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Geanedan Ricu America

Þa Geanedan Ricu America
The United States of America
Seolh þara Geanedan Ricu America
Þēodlic cwide: In God We Trust
(Englisc: "On God We Getriwaþ")
Folces gereord Niwenglisc
Elles gereordas Speonisc and manig elleswise
Heafodstol Hwæsingatun
Mæste Burg Nīweoforwicburg
Brego Ioseph Biden Foresittend
Bradnes 9 629 047
Menniscu 295 267 686
Landesforþbæro 23,315,080,560,000 Geandra Rica daler, 25,462,700,000,000 Geandra Rica daler
Feoh Geandra Rica daler $
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC−12:00, UTC−11:00, UTC−09:00, UTC−08:00, UTC−07:00, UTC−06:00, UTC−05:00, UTC−04:00, UTC+10:00, UTC+12:00, Samoa Time Zone, Atlantic Time Zone, Central Time Zone, Alaska Time Zone, Mountain Time Zone, Chamorro Time Zone
Þēodlic antefn Sē Stēorrena-Specfāga Gierela
Sundorricehad 1776, of Greatum Bretene Cynerice
Wægnplatung USA
Webbnamena tægl .us
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande 1

Þa Geanedan Ricu America is treowiendlicu cynewise þe mæste ligþ in Norðamerican. Hie gebyrdaþ norðne Cænadan and suðne Mexico. Hie habbaþ 50 rica and ane selfstandendum scire, and habbaþ sume foldan mid syndrigum gradum sibbe. Man spricþ ymbe hie, in syndrigum fiellum, swa þa Geanedan Rica, America[1], þa U.S., þa U.S.A., þa U.S. of A., þa Ricu, oþþe (leoþlice) Columbia.


Foregengras Americalandes ymbeꝛaꝛa ferodan oꝛcæꝛ þæt Beꝛinge land bryc mæꝛ þonne twelf þusendo wintra togeanes. On bigininge 1607, Bretenlandes setlunge lædde tō þæm Ēaꝛe þȳodenlandum on þæm ðe nū is Ēaste Geanedan Rice. Hī ætslogon wið þām Bretenlandes cyning on oꝛ-æʒluꝛungum ande poliðic ʒerefanhoʒe, þæt lædde to þām Amelic andwyrðo ande þæt æfteʒeng þrīœnde ʒiða. Þā Geanedan Rice beꝛeæʒadon andweald on Mǣdmōnað 4, 1776, ande fōron on to becuman þām æfyrste lande on þæm sceððendlic-æʒendlīðe leoðle be āliʒend andwealde, samfoʒen æfter bealop þæm gefadǣlanen, ande repuꝛblicʒung.

Eftlyndon æfter ʒetweon þrēatum, ġefeohtum, and onfengum, þæt Geanedan Rice ūt-buefodon to þǣm Norþ Uniteðum. And swā māne ʒemēras wǣron geslæʒene, beodlīð æðrytt on āgennedǣlnesse ofer ungerihtfæstnys, þæt lædde tō þǣm sēðencunge on þā ġefērianne Stātas of Americe, þe feohtodon þæm lāðoðe statas on þām Ēaʒendlicum Ciʒiðum (1861–65). Mid þǣm āʒehǣfenne þæt Ēaʒendlic and ƿæstmetoꝛ, slavery wæs æftotod æfter lande, ac forhæbbunge betƿēon diʒðolfum ātƿēnan ƿǣron unbēn. Ieʒildun on þǣm lāðmǣre 19m̄ and fōrðǣm 20m̄ hund-geæʒt, lædde tō hræpþum beʒesetta þæt poliðic forgemōt ac ēac fōrƿealcslǣpe wæs þæt hin ƿundode forlāden.

Beȝond 1900, þæt Geanedan Rice hæfde getimbreð þæt self manʒode, becuman þæt ymbeʒeða mǣste æconomie on ƿorlde. æft ʒæpōne land ġætæc an Perles Heafod on Desember 1941, þæt U.S. cōmon to ƿeold ƿeorc on þæt āðs of Ælfoðe. þæt æftermærene of þæt weorc lēt þæt U.S. ande þæt Sǣfēot æs þæt ƿeorlde twāo smaʒmæɣta ande lædde to þæm calde on ƿeorlde, be þæm begoten þe ƿeoruld on frǣntæcynol dōm ande ymbeꝛengen weolocraft, þe cōmendum mid þæt Geanedan Rice heofende þæt æfto man on 1969. æft ƿeoruld-lǣcnung þæs Sǣfēot ƿeorc ande þæt ænde of þæt calde on 1991, hit of-sprang þæt ƿeorlde an ƿa smaʒmæɣta.


Se Geanedan Rice is þæs ƿoruldes þridda mǣste land æfter land ande eallum æwum æfter Rūsiene ande Ċanada. Þā 48 betweoxlīðende statas ande þæt þeoðland Đicelande underfōð sumæd landare 3,119,885 formīles (8,080,470 cyma). Se brādlic plean of þæt Atlantisc strānde wegeð tō ƿynedum forestum ande gehrolen ƿylle on þæt Peodmund ƿeald. Þæt Āþelican Moras ande þæt Adirondac māsse geselð þæt Ēast Cost fram þæt Micel Lakas ande þæt grǣslandum of þæt Middigemearcum. Se Missestipe ƿæðensystima — þæt ƿoruldes feorðe lengest strem — rinneð manlice norð–sūþ þurh þæt heortlandes of þæt ƿeorulde. Se flǣt, beorlic ƿlǣce of þæt Micel Lǣnge streccað tō þæt west, andbrocod be a ðēoflicum sǣðeȝen in þæt sūþēast.

Þæt Hrēmlic Moras, west of þæt Micel Lǣnge, ġestreccað norð tō sūþ ofer þæt land, hēawað āt ymbe 14,000 fōt (4,300 m) in Colorado. Fēorðor west sindon þæt hrēmlic Micel Boðen ande Ċihuahua, Sōnoran, ande Mojave Westas. Se Sierra Nevadan ande Cascadian muntbegān rinnan cēape tō þæt Pāceig strānd. Se lǣst and se hēhst pūnt in þæt betweoxlīðende Geanedan Rice sindon in þæt staðe of Californie, ymb 84 mīla (135 km) tō samena. In stīgan ƿæfes of 20,310 fōt (6,190.5 m), Ālæsca's Denali is þæt hēhst cīrnan of þæt land ande landes. Lifende fȳrbryne sindon siblic be þæt Ālæsca's Alexander ande Aleutian Ēlandum, ande Haƿaii of ġeardum fyrberende ēaȝlas. Se ofer-hrēm fȳrbryne underliggende Yellowstone Naciȝonal Bearuȝ in þæt Hrēmlic Moras is þæt landes hēhst fyr-bryne. In 2021 þæt Geanedan Rice hæfde 8% of þæt ƿorulde þāglice mǣdas ande beorleȝnes and 10% of yrþlandum.

Rīcƿeardes ġeƿeorc

Se Geanedan Riceis an rīcƿeard of 50 þēodlandum, an rīcƿeard dīc, fīf landum and sume unbūtan ieg possesionum. Hit is þæt ƿorulde ǣrest ƿrecend rīcƿeard, and, æfter World Economic Forum, se ǣrest folcƿil ǣac. Hit is an lēodlic reprēsentativ folcƿil in þæm þǣr hēapƿillung ġecȳðen is ǣacð be lēoda rihte bireiht be lagu. Se U.S. Cōnstittution þenʒes swā þæt ƿorulde ƿorðst legal wædme, ēac bireihten þæt ƿeorulde ande yrfepfrið ārǣrnes of þæt þēodlic rīcƿeard and his sibbe mid ǣlcum þēodlandum.


Se President is se heretoga of þæt Geanedan Rice weorðlicum fyrdum and hirwað hira ledere, se ǣrendraca of geofenung and se ǣfahofe of Stæff þāra Gemǣnlic. Se Geofenunges Forme, þæt is gestreoð ǣt Pentagone næah Wašingtone, D.C., ġelǣrð fīf of þæt syx þēowrā ꞃaencgum, þæt sindon gemaked of se Heer, Þegnlandes, Sǣ, ƿeðer, and Spæc Fyrde. Se Ġyldenstrēame is ġelǣrð be þæt Geofenunges ġeburɣdome of Hamland Sīgnum ġefreoðtīde and mihten ġebēon tō þæt Geofenunges of þæt Nafwe on ƿeretīde.

Þæt Geanedan Rice ġespende 877 biliardan on hira fyrdum on 2022, þæt is brādliċ þæt mǣstum lǣnum of anȝe riċe, gemaked up 39% of heora fyrdlic spende and steorðiende 3.5% of þæt landes GPD. Se U.S. hæfð 45% of þæt ƿeoruldes Ƿiɫten sƿeðe, þæt ƿorð secondliċ þæt mǣstan ofer Rūsiene.

Þæt Geanedan Rice hæfð þæt þridda mǣsta samnet fyrda of þæt ƿeoruld, æfter Cīnes Folces Aȝenne Here and Indisc Fyrda. Se fyrdic ƿerc ofer 800 burɣum and weorðlicum, and geƿyrðlīċ neƿōps þonne 100 ǣflic ǣrfeormen in 25 ūtlendlicum.


Se Geanedan Rice hæfð ƿon liċtelic ƿyrtsocietas mid gehȳrsumnys. Se U.S. hæfð bēon þæt ƿeoruldes mǣst ƿeorð be namon since ymbe 1890. Se U.S. brutto ġesȳnelig þræf (ƿGDP) of $27 ƿilning is se mǣst on þæt ƿeorulde, bēon þe 15% of brutto ƿeorulde þræf æt ceapende mægen (ƿPPP). Fram 1983 tō 2008, U.S. lāc ȝegniffan mǣst ƿeorðsēle ƿeorð mænig 3.3%, ƿiðmeten to a 2.3% þeɡnum mætīa ƿeorðgemete on rest þæs ġemǣnes of seven. Se land on firstis on þæt ƿeorulde by ġelaðuwlītliċ incumen per cænt, namon ƿGDP, secondis be GDP (PPP) æfter Cīnā, and nīʒis be GDP (PPP) per cænt.

Ƿīsdoʒa and tōllicnys

Se Geanedan Rice hæfð bēon ārērende in tōllic ƿanhyld sīð þæs rīme 19m̄ hund-hund. ande ƿīseġied in tōllic ƿiss ƿanhyld sīð þæs hælf 20m̄ hund-hund. Fyrme for wyrcean gemǣnelīca dǣla and se geƿeorc of a cƿērna tol ġemǣnliċað þæt fyrme-ēðelic ƿyrċæð of U.S. cēapian ƿaran on se lat 19m̄ hund-hund. Bī se ār of 20m̄ hund-hund, ġeƿeorc elecƿundung, se inƿīer of se ǣsefe rǣd, and oðer weorc-lyȝan þeōƿoƿund ƿorð sēn of mycel ƿyrċende.


Se Uniteðe Statas hæfð fela ƿīg for selffērendewægn and hras for trǣgas.


Land on Norðamerican
Ricu Antigua and Barbuda • Þā Bahamas • Barbados • Belīs • Cænada • Cūba • Dīepþland • Dominica • seo Dominicanisce Cynewise • Geanedu Ricu • Grenadieg • Guatemala • Hǣlendlond • Haitieg • Halga Uincentius and þa Grenadingas • Iamaica • Mexico • Nicānlond • Panama • Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis • Sanct Lūcialand • Þrines and Tobāgo • Weligrima
Nēatlandu Anguilla • Aruba • Bermuda • Bryttiscan Fæmne Iegland • Cægman Iegland • G.R. Fæmne Īegland • Grēneland • Guadelūp • Halga Petrus and Micelong • Martinic • Muntserræt • Nafāssa-Īeg • Niðerlandisc Antilles • Port Rīclond • Turcas and Caicos Īegland
Index: pl ar de en es fr it arz nl ja pt ceb sv uk vi war zh ru af ast az bg zh-min-nan bn be ca cs cy da et el eo eu fa gl ko hi hr id he ka la lv lt hu mk ms min no nn ce uz kk ro simple sk sl sr sh fi ta tt th tg azb tr ur zh-yue hy my ace als am an hyw ban bjn map-bms ba be-tarask bcl bpy bar bs br cv nv eml hif fo fy ga gd gu hak ha hsb io ig ilo ia ie os is jv kn ht ku ckb ky mrj lb lij li lmo mai mg ml zh-classical mr xmf mzn cdo mn nap new ne frr oc mhr or as pa pnb ps pms nds crh qu sa sah sco sq scn si sd szl su sw tl shn te bug vec vo wa wuu yi yo diq bat-smg zu lad kbd ang smn ab roa-rup frp arc gn av ay bh bi bo bxr cbk-zam co za dag ary se pdc dv dsb myv ext fur gv gag inh ki glk gan guw xal haw rw kbp pam csb kw km kv koi kg gom ks gcr lo lbe ltg lez nia ln jbo lg mt mi tw mwl mdf mnw nqo fj nah na nds-nl nrm nov om pi pag pap pfl pcd krc kaa ksh rm rue sm sat sc trv stq nso sn cu so srn kab roa-tara tet tpi to chr tum tk tyv udm ug vep fiu-vro vls wo xh zea ty ak bm ch ny ee ff got iu ik kl mad cr pih ami pwn pnt dz rmy rn sg st tn ss ti din chy ts kcg ve 
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