En NDR-oscillator (eng. Negative Differential Resistance oscillator) er en oscillator, som har en elektronisk NDR-komponent eller NDR-kredsløb, der på en del af sin overføringskarakteristik har negativ differentiel modstand. En NDR-oscillator er en to-terminal oscillator, da ingen tilbagekobling er nødvendig. Mellem de to terminaler kobles AC-mæssigt en elektrisk svingningskreds.[1]
Selvom NDR-komponenten er ulinear og har negativ differentiel modstand, er den som regel i mindre strøm- og spændings-intervaller linear, hvilket betyder at den differentielle modstand i intervallet er konstant.
I netop et nogenlunde lineart interval med negativ differentiel modstand, kan NDR-komponenten forstærke signaler nogenlunde lineart.
En af de simpleste eksempler er at sætte komponenten AC-mæssigt i serie med (lav NDR-impedans) eller parallelt over (høj NDR-impedans) svingningskreds. Når svingningskredsens samlede tab (inkl. evt. ekstern belastningsmodstand) mere end ophæves af den negative differentielle modstand, så vil kredsløbet fungere som en NDR-oscillator.
Visse IC-kredse kan have negativ differentiel modstand, negativ kapacitans eller negativ induktans i indgangen eller udgangen under visse kredsløbsforhold - se kilde.[10]
En transistor emitterfølger kan lave utilsigtet oscillation, hvis belastet kapacitivt, da emitterfølgere udgang typisk har negativ induktans.[11]
^ abr-type.org: The Transitron. A P Blackburn, The Radio Constructor, October, 1955 Citat: "...The transitron makes a very useful sinusoidal oscillator. The frequency range obtainable can be from a few cycles per second up to nearly 100 MHz. The circuit is shown in below...One advantage immediately becomes clear. The oscillator circuit merely requires a tuned circuit. There are no taps on the coil, and no coupling winding. For this reason the circuit is sometimes called a 'two terminal oscillator'...It is worth mentioning a few suitable valves for transitron operation. Obviously, they must be pentodes and the suppressor grid must be available at a pin...", backup
^elprocus.com: What is Dynatron Oscillator: Working and Its Applications Citat: "...In that dynatron oscillator is one of the oscillators which shows a negative resistance characteristic...It is invented by Albert Hull in the year of 1918...The negative resistance effect of the tetrode tube cancels the positive resistance of the tuned circuit. Therefore the tuned circuit will have zero resistance. So, the oscillating voltage at the resonant frequency will be generated...Dynatron oscillator...wide operating frequency range. In the Second World War, these were used in many applications...", backup
^rf-microwave.com: SL610, SL611 & SL612 Citat: "...The input impedance is negative between 30MHz and 100MHz (SL610C, SL611C only) and is shown in Fig. 3. If the source is indictive [inductive] it should be shunted by a 1kohm resistor to prevent oscillation...The output stage is an emitter follower and has a negative output impedance at certain frequencies as shown in Fig.5. To prevent oscillation when the load is capacitive a 47 ohm resistor should be conncted in series with the output..."