Bester britischer Independentfilm
Best British Independent Film
This Is England
Bester ausländischer Independentfilm
Best Foreign Independent Film
Hidden (Caché)
Beste britische Dokumentation
Best British Documentary
The Road to Guantanamo
Bester britischer Kurzfilm
Best British Short Film
- At The End Of The Sentence
- Cubs
- Ex Memoria
- The 10th Man
- Who I Am & What I Want
Bester Schauspieler
Best Performance by an Actor in a British Independent Film
Tony Curran
Beste Schauspielerin
Best Performance by an Actress in a British Independent Film
Kate Dickie
Bester Nebendarsteller oder beste Nebendarstellerin
Best Performance by a Supporting Actor or Actress in a British Independent Film
Leslie Phillips
Beste Regie
Best Director of a British Independent Film
Kevin Macdonald
Douglas Hickox Award
The Douglas Hickox Award
- Menhaj Huda für Kidulthood
- Caradog W James für Little White Lies
- Paul Andrew Williams für London to Brighton
- Andrea Arnold für Red Road
- Tom Vaughan für Starter für Ten
Menhaj Huda
Bester Newcomer
Most Promising Newcomer
- Rafi Gavron in Breaking and Entering
- Harry Treadaway in Brothers of the Head
- Luke Treadaway in Brothers of the Head
- Dominic Cooper in The History Boys
- Samuel Barnett in The History Boys
- Thomas Turgoose in This Is England
- Jodie Whittaker in Venus
Thomas Turgoose
Bestes Drehbuch
Best Screenplay
Peter Morgan (The Queen)
Beste Produktion
Best Achievement In Production
London to Brighton
Beste Technik
Best Technical Achievement
Anthony Dod Mantle
The Raindance Award
The Raindance Award
The Ballad Of AJ Weberman
Best British 15 Second Short
Best British 15 Second Short
- Ah, Youth
- Chrysanthemums the Word
- Death of the Dinosaurs
- Fate and Mr McKinley
- What’s the Point?
What’s the Point?