9 Hours
9 Hours is an Indian Telugu-language survival crime thriller television series created by Krish Jagarlamudi, directed by Niranjan Kaushik with an ensemble cast of Taraka Ratna, Madhu Shalini, Ajay, Ravi Varma and Ravi Prakash. The series' basic plot line was adapted from the famous Telugu crime novel "Thommidi Ghantalu," authored by Malladi Venkata Krishna Murthy.[1][2] 9 Hours premiered on Disney+ Hotstar on 2 June 2022.[3] Cast
ReceptionSangeetha Devi Dundoo of The Hindu in her review stated that "The payoffs in the form of twists and turns happen rather late and are not enough. Perhaps it was alluring to have nine episodes to befit the title, but the series could have done with liberal trimming".[4] Echoing the same, Pinkvilla's Arvind V opined that "The survival drama trappings deserved a better canvas, and a profound script. Torture and beatings are no substitute for thrills and drama".[5] Comparing it with Money Heist, Latha Srinivasan of Firstpost praised the performances of the ensemble cast while criticizing the screenplay and writing.[6] Giving a mixed review, Neeshita Nyayapati of The Times of India wrote that "You don't always buy what 9 Hours is selling you, there are moments you will pause and wonder how plausible whatever is playing out on screen is. But the series does manage to do its job by keeping you engaged".[7] References
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