A Trip to Paradise (Playhouse 90)
"A Trip to Paradise" is an American television play broadcast on March 26, 1959 as part of the CBS television series, Playhouse 90. The cast includes Susan Oliver and Burt Brinckerhoff. Buzz Kulik is the director, and the teleplay is written by Adrian Spies. PlotA troubled teenage boy, Raymond Austin, meets a Ellie, a provocative teenage beauty who introduces him to delinquents and youthful "beatniks". CastThe cast included the following:[1]<[2]
ProductionThe program was presented on March 26, 1959, on the CBS television series Playhouse 90. The teleplay was written by Adrian Spies.[1][2] ReviewsTelevision critic William Ewald of the UPI called it "a neat little package", but "perhaps a little too neat, equipped as it was with pat ending and tidy moral, but it was a pretty rewarding excursion into the world of a teen-ager fumbling his way toward maturity."[3] References