The school includes four academies in partnership with the California Partnership Academies program.
Academy of Health and Medicine. (An academy designed for students whom want to go into the health field.)
Future Leaders for Social Change Academy. (Futures academy teaches students to become critical thinkers and to become a leader.)
Tech-Links Academy. (Tech Links offers a rigorous, relevant, business and technology curriculum that prepares students for post-high school college and career opportunities.)
Trend Academy. (The TREND Academy provides students with the opportunity to step into the role of an engineer and or Industrial Designer, adopt a problem-solving mindset, engage in the engineering design process, and climatically make the leap from visionaries to doers.)
These four CPAs are also called Small Learning Communities (SLCs).
In the 2018-2019 school year, there were 1,819 students. 47% (859) are Latino, 31% (558) are Asian, 11% (195) are White, 7% (127) are African-American, 3% (48) are two or more races, 1% (25) are Pacific Islander, and less than 1% (7) are American Indian or Alaskan Native.[3]