In July 2000 Claus Grovdal, Kjetil Helland and Ricki Sickenger founded Razorwax AS in Oslo, Norway for the purpose of making online games. Soon they were joined by Erik Sperling Johansen and Henning Ludvigsen and in August 2001, they announced the development of Darkfall.[11]
In 2002 the group relocated to join Zad El Mehdawi, Tasos Flambouras and Spiros Iordanis and found Aventurine SA in Athens, Greece, in order to continue developing Darkfall.[12][13]
Darkfall Online is sandbox MMORPG released on February 25, 2009 and was published in North America and Europe. Darkfall Online's servers shut down on November 15, 2012.[14]
In the summer of 2008 it signed a deal with the Greek media and entertainment group, Audiovisual Enterprises, for the Darkfall distribution rights in Europe.[15][16]
Darkfall Unholy Wars is the sequel of Darkfall and was released on April 16, 2013[17] and discontinued in May, 2016.[18]
In June 2012 Aventurine signed a deal with MGame Corporation, a Korean game publisher and developer, to release the new version of Darkfall to the Asian market.[19][20]
Aventurine's core technology consists of their independently created, real-time 3D engine.[21]
^"Legal Info: WebSite Terms of Service". Darkfall Online. 2013. Retrieved 1 September 2024. If you have any questions about these Terms of Service of Aventurine, please contact us at the following address: Aventurine S.A. Apostolou Pavlou 10B, Marousi 15123 Greece, [...]
^"Anakoinosi - Emporiko kai Viomichaniko Epimelitirio Athinon" Ανακοίνωση - Εμπορικό και Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο Αθηνών [Announcement - Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry] (PDF) (Announcement) (in Greek). Athens: Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 1 July 2015. Ε/Ο.ΓΔ.110.03-02 (The gr: "Ε/Ο.ΓΔ." concerns the coding of a General Correspondence document in accordance with the ISO 2001:2015 quality management system, according to which the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry is certified. In English it can be translated as: "D/GPD"="Document/General Procedure Directive", so the coding "Ε/Ο.ΓΔ.110.03-02" would have the English equivalent "D/G.P.D.110.03-02".)' – via General Commercial Register(G.E.MI.). Την 01/07/2015 καταχωρήθηκε στο Γενικό Εμπορικό Μητρώο (Γ.Ε.ΜΗ.), με ΚΑΚ 498705, και στη μερίδα της Ανώνυμης Εταιρείας με την επωνυμία «ΑΒΕΝΤΟΥΡΙΝ (AVENTURINE) ΑΝΩΝΥΜΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ», το διακριτικό τίτλο «AVENTURINE S.A.» και αριθμό ΓΕΜΗ 004984401000, η από 07/04/2015 «Εξώδικη Δήλωση παραίτησης» του κ. Σπύρου Ιορδάνη του Γεωργίου, [...] που επιδόθηκε στο ΓΕΜΗ, στις 09/04/2015 από τους Δικαστικούς Επιμελητές κυρίους Γεώργιο Δήλερη και Αθανάσιο Τσόγκα, σύμφωνα με την οποία δηλώνει την παραίτησή του από τη θέση του απλού Μέλους του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της ανωτέρω Ανώνυμης Εταιρείας. [On 01/07/2015, the company was registered in the General Commercial Register (G.E.M.I.), with the registration number 498705, and in the register of the Public Limited Company under the name "ΑΒΕΝΤΟΥΡΙΝ (AVENTURINE) S.A.", with the distinctive title "AVENTURINE S.A." and GEMI number 004984401000, the "Extrajudicial Resignation Statement" dated 07/04/2015 of Mr. Spyros Iordanis of George, [...] which was served at the General Registry of Civil Registry on 09/04/2015 by the Bailiffs Mr. Georgios Dileris and Mr. Athanasios Tsongas, according to which he resigns from his position as a simple Member of the Board of Directors of the above mentioned Public Limited Company.]
^"Trade Marks Journal". Trade Marks Journal Singapore (PDF) (No. 031/2012 ed.): 324. 2012.
^ "Audiovisual: MoU με την Aventurine, προς ομολογιακό έως €25 εκατ" [Audiovisual: MoU with Aventurine, towards a bond of up to €25 million]. (in Greek). Retrieved 1 September 2024. Στην υπογραφή μνημονίου συνεργασίας με την εταιρεία Aventurine, με αντικείμενο την αποκλειστική έκδοση, διανομή και εκμετάλλευση διαδικτυακών συνδρομητικών παιχνιδιών (on line gaming) σε όλες τις χώρες της Ευρώπης προχώρησε η Audiovisual όπως ανακοίνωσε ο πρόεδρος της εταιρείας κ. Ιωάννης Κουρτέσης, σύμφωνα με επίσημη ανακοίνωση της εισηγμένης. [Audiovisual has signed a memorandum of understanding with the company Aventurine for the exclusive publication, distribution and exploitation of online subscription games (on line gaming) in all European countries, as announced by the company's president Mr. Ioannis Kourtesis, according to an official announcement of the listed company.]