Blue Spring (Japanese: 青い春, Hepburn: Aoi Haru) is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Taiyō Matsumoto. It is an anthology collection of short stories, all revolving around teenage boys at high school and the lives they live. A live action film adaptation was released in 2001. The manga was licensed for English-language release by Viz Media.
Blue Spring is written and illustrated by Taiyō Matsumoto. Shogakukan released a tankōbon volume under the Big Spirits Comics imprint on May 1, 1993.[2] Shogakukan re-released it in wide-ban]] volume on December 19, 1998.[3] Shogakukan re-released it again in a bunkoban edition on January 14, 2012.[4]
In North America, Blue Spring was published in English language by Viz Media on January 4, 2005.[5]