Conrad Bloom
Conrad Bloom is an American television sitcom series created by Caroline in the City producer Marco Pennette, that aired on NBC from September 21, 1998, to December 21, 1998, and running for 15 episodes. The series was cancelled after nine episodes for the low ratings; however, co-stars Mark Feuerstein and Linda Lavin would later reunite for the CBS series 9JKL, which debuted in 2017. PremiseThe show is centered around Conrad Bloom, a copywriter in New York City, looking for love whilst trying to pursue his career. Conrad has to deal with the women in his life: A mother, a sister, an ex-girlfriend still harboring feelings for him, a boss and a co-worker. Conrad balances work, life, friends and family whilst trying to remember that love is out there. Conrad Bloom, a Marco Pennette-created sitcom, aired on NBC from September to December 1998. Despite its cancellation, stars Mark Feuerstein and Linda Lavin later reunited for the CBS series 9JKL in 2017. The show, centered around NYC copywriter Conrad Bloom, explores the delicate balance between love, career, and family. Cast
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