Daddies on Request (Spanish: Papás por encargo) is a Mexican comedy drama television series for children and adolescents, produced by BTF Media for The Walt Disney Company.[1] The first season premiered in Latin America on 13 July 2022, on Disney+.[2][3] It was released in the United States on 23 November on Disney+.[4] The second season premiered on 8 November 2023 in Latin America.[5][6][7]
On her thirteenth birthday, California receives an unexpected gift: the key to an ice cream truck. She receives this from her mother Itzel, who mysteriously disappeared many years ago and now wants to see California again in Zacatecas. California's three adoptive fathers, Miguel, Morgan, and Diego, initially disagree with this plan, but they realize that it would make California happy. Now the goal is to bring mother and daughter back together! An unusual family odyssey full of fun, emotional and challenging moments begins, which culminates in an unforgettable road trip through Mexico with its different landscapes and its culture. This journey will not only leave a lasting impression on everyone involved, but you will also grow with all challenges and take with you new insights.