Title |
Date |
Chagrin lorrain |
1979 |
Account of deindustrialisation in Lorraine
L'Âge-Déraison, véritable biographie imaginaire de Johnny H |
1982 |
Fictional biography of his friend Johnny Hallyday
Trans-Europ-Express |
1984 |
Anthology of Libération reportage
Tanger |
1987 |
Travelogue of Tangiers.
L'enthousiasme |
1988 |
Memoir of his time as a factory worker in Lorraine. Revised edition in 2006 was the second volume of his autobiography, Mémoire tu l'appelleras
Pourquoi écrivez vous? |
1988 |
Co-editor with Jean-François Fogel of an anthology of writers explaining their motivations.
Les Tambours du Monde |
1989 |
Chronique du Liban rebelle 1988–1989 |
1991 |
Account of his friend Michel Aoun's interim premiership at the end of the Lebanese Civil War.
Portraits champenois |
1991 |
Account of his home region of Champagne, with photographs by his brother Gérard Rondeau
La Part du diable |
1992 |
Littérature notre ciel! |
1992 |
Account of Heinrich Maria Ledig-Rowohlt [de]
Les Fêtes partagées; Lectures et autres voyages |
1994 |
Literary anthology
Mitterrand et nous |
1994 |
Account of the presidency of François Mitterrand
Des hommes libres; La France libre par ceux qui l’ont faite |
1997 |
Co-editor with Roger Stéphane of accounts by Free French resistance members
Alexandrie |
1997 |
Travelogue of Alexandria. Winner of the 1998 Prix des Deux Magots
Johnny |
1999 |
Anthology of journalistic interviews and portraits of Johnny Hallyday. Second edition 2009.
Istanbul |
2002 |
Travelogue of Istanbul.
Dans la marche du temps |
2004 |
Camus ou les promesses de la vie |
2005 |
Account of Albert Camus' life and work
Les vignes de Berlin |
2006 |
First volume of his autobiography, Mémoire tu l'appelleras
Journal de lectures, 1999–2006 |
2007 |
Anthology of literary articles from L'Express
Carthage |
2008 |
Travelogue and meditation on the ruins and history of Carthage
Malta Hanina |
2012 |
Account of Malta
Vingt ans et plus |
2014 |
Excerpts from his 1991–2012 diaries. Winner of the Prix Saint-Simon
Boxing-Club |
2016 |
Essays on boxing
Mécaniques du chaos [fr] |
2017 |
Novel. Winner of the Grand Prix du roman de l'Académie française
La raison et le cœur |
2018 |
Anthology of political and literary pieces written since 1984, some previously unpublished.
Arrière-pays |
2021 |