The first edition of Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien appeared in 23 volumes.[2] An incomplete second edition was issued in 28 parts (1924-1980), although Engler had died in 1930.[3] It is still considered one of the few true World Floras.[1][4]
Engler's starting point was that of Eichler who had been the first to use phylogenetic principles, and reflected the new post-Darwinian perspective, although Engler himself did not think that his was.[5] His modified Eichler schema first appeared in 1886 in his Guide to Breslau Botanic Garden[6] (of which he was the director).
First edition (1887–1915)
The complete 23 volume work was published in four parts (Teil(e)), together with supplements and indices. Each part was further divided in Abteilung(en) (sections). The volumes are arranged as follows:
The major groupings (Abteilung, Unterabteilung), with selected lower rankings are shown here with [Volume number] and page number. N (Nachträge = supplement).
W. Ruhland, Musci, Allgemeiner Teil - W. Ruhland, I. Unterklasse Sphagnales: Allgemeine Verhältnisse - H. Paul, Sphagnaceae (Torfmoose) - W. Ruhland, II. Unterklasse Andreaeales: Allgemeine Verhältnisse - V. F. Brotherus, Andreaeaceae - W. Ruhland, III. Unterklasse Bryales: I. Allgemeine Verhältnisse - V. F. Brotherus, II. Spezieller Teil - 1. Reihengruppe Eubryinales; 1. Reihe Fissidentales, 2. Reihe Dicranales, 3. Reihe Pottiales, 4. Reihe Grimmiales, 5. Reihe Funariales, 6. Reihe Schistostegiales, 7. Reihe Tetraphidales, 8. Reihe Eubryales
W. Gothan, Cycadofilices - R. Pilger, Cycadales - R. Kräusel, Fossile Cycadaceae, Bennettitales - R. Pilger, Ginkgoales - R. Kräusel, Fossile Ginkgoaceae, Cordaitales - R. Pilger, Coniferae - A. Engler, Geographische Verbreitung der Coniferae - R. Kräusel, Fossile Coniferae - F. Markgraf, Gnetales
A. Engler, Flagellariaceae, Cyanastraceae - C. Gilg-Benedict, Restionaceae, Centrolepidaceae - R. Pilger, Mayacaceae, Thurniaceae, Rapateaceae, Philydraceae - G. O. A. Malme, Xyridaceae - W. Ruhland, Eriocaulaceae - H. Harms, Bromeliaceae - G. Brückner, Commelinaceae - O. Schwartz, Pontederiaceae - F. Vierhapper, Juncaceae - K. Krause, Stemonaceae, Liliaceae - F. Pax, Haemodoraceae, Amaryllidaceae - F. Pax / K. Hoffmann, Velloziaceae, Taccaceae - R. Knuth, Dioscoreaceae - L. Diels, Iridaceae - H. Winkler, Musaceae, Cannaceae - T. Loesener, Zingiberaceae, Marantaceae
Bd. 16c: Angiospermae: Reihe Centrospermae. 1934 (reprint 1960)
H. Schinz, Amaranthaceae - A. Heimerl, Nyctaginaceae - A. Heimerl, Phytolaccaceae - A. Heimerl, Gyrostemonaceae - A. Heimerl, Achatocarpaceae - F. Pax / K. Hoffmann, Aizoaceae - F. Pax / K. Hoffmann, Portulacaceae - E. Ulbrich, Basellaceae - F. Pax / K. Hoffmann, Dysphaniaceae; Caryophyllaceae - J. Mattfeld, Nachtrag zu den Caryophyllaceae - E. Ulbrich, Thelygonaceae - E. Ulbrich, Chenopodiaceae
Bd. 17a: II: Angiospermae: Reihe Magnoliales. (2. Teil). 1959
Bd. 17b: Angiospermae: Reihen Rhoeadales und Sarraceniales: Reihen Rhoeadales und Sarraceniales. 1936 (reprint 1960)
F. Fedde, Papaveraceae - F. Pax / K. Hoffmann, Capparidaceae, Tovariaceae - O. E. Schulz, Cruciferae - F. Bolle, Resedaceae - F. Pax, Moringaceae, Bretschneideraceae - J. C. T. Uphof, Sarraceniaceae - H. Harms, Nepenthaceae - L. Diels, Droseraceae
Bd. 18a: Angiospermae: Reihe Podostemonales – Reihe Rosales, Unterreihe Saxifragineae. 1930
A. Engler, Podostemonaceae - L. Diels, Cephalotaceae - A. Engler, Saxifragaceae, Brunelliaceae, Cunoniaceae - F. Niedenzu / A. Engler, Myrothamnaceae - E. Pritzel, Pittosporaceae - L. Diels, Byblidaceae - F. Niedenzu / H. Harms, Bruniaceae - H. Harms, Hamamelidaceae - L. Diels, Roridulaceae - H. Harms, Eucommiaceae - A. Berger, Crassulaceae
Bd. 19a: Angiospermae: Reihe Pandales – Reihe Geraniales, Unterreihe Geraniineae (erster Teil). 1931
E. Gilg / E. Werdermann, Dilleniaceae - E. Gilg / E. Werdermann, Actinidiaceae - E. Gilg, Eucryphiaceae - E. Gilg, Ochnaceae - R. Pilger, Caryocaraceae - E. Gilg / E. Werdermann, Marcgraviaceae - A. Engler, Quiinaceae - H. Melchior, Theaceae - A. Engler, Guttiferae - E. Gilg, Dipterocarpaceae - F. Niedenzu, Elatinaceae - F. Niedenzu, Frankeniaceae - F. Niedenzu, Tamaricaceae - E. Janchen, Cistaceae - R. Pilger, Bixaceae - F. Pilger, Cochlospermaceae - E. Gilg, Canellaceae - H. Melchior, Violaceae - W. Becker, Viola - E. Gilg, Flacourtiaceae - E. Gilg, Stachyuraceae - E. Gilg, Turneraceae - H. Harms, Malesherbiaceae - H. Harms, Passifloraceae - H. Harms, Achariaceae - H. Harms, Caricaceae - E. Gilg, Loasaceae - E. Gilg, Datiscaceae - E. Irmscher, Begoniaceae - E. Gilg, Ancistrocladaceae - F. Vaupel, Cactaceae