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Environmental testing

Environmental testing is the measurement of the performance of equipment under specified environmental conditions.[1] This can include the following:[2][3]

  • High and low extreme temperatures
  • Temperature cycling
  • Sand and dust exposure
  • Salt spray
  • High and low humidity
  • Wet environments
  • Deep water submersion
  • Corrosive material exposure
  • Algae and microbial exposure
  • Shock and vibrations, including gun fire
  • High and low pressure
  • Pressure cycling
  • Electromagnetic interference

Such tests are most commonly performed on equipment used in military, maritime, aeronautical and space applications.


Environmental test standards include:

See also


  1. ^ "Environmental testing - Glossary | CSRC". National Institute of Standards and Technology. Retrieved 2024-11-11.
  2. ^ "Environmental Testing". TÜV SÜD. Retrieved 2024-11-11.
  3. ^ "Environmental Testing - an overview". ScienceDirect. Retrieved 2024-11-11.
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