Fall River (TV series)
Fall River is an American documentary television miniseries directed and produced by James Buddy Day. Jason Blum serves as an executive producer under his Blumhouse Television banner. It follows the Fall River murders in Fall River, Massachusetts by a satanic cult. It consists of 4-episodes and premiered on May 16, 2021, on Epix.[1] PlotThe series follows the Fall River murders in Fall River, Massachusetts by a satanic cult. The leader of the cult, Carl Drew was sentenced to life in prison. Twenty years later, the lead investigator re-investigates the case after inconsistencies begin to haunt him. Episodes
ProductionIn February 2021, it was announced James Buddy Day had directed a 4-part series revolving around the Fall River murders with Jason Blum set to executive producer under his Blumhouse Television banner, with MGM Television set to produce and distribute internationally, while Epix will distribute in the United States.[3][4] References
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