He was born in Prague,[1] then part of Bohemia. The son of a military Colonel, von Georgi was born into a noble family which originally came from Saxony. He attended the Theresian Cadet Academy at Hainburg. After completing his education on 1 September 1871, he was commissioned as a Lieutenant in Feldjäger Bataillon No.6.
In May 1877, von Georgi married Bertha Stamm. Together they had four children, though two of them died in infancy. From 1879 to 1881 he joined a military academy in Vienna. In 1882, von Georgi saw action in his first battle as a general staff officer of the 5th Gebirgsbrigade during a rebellion in Herzegovina. Following the campaign, he was awarded the Military Merit Medal in Bronze upon its introduction in 1890.