Gustav Adolf Warneck (1834–1910) was a German missiologist. In 1874, he established the first German missiological journal, Allgemeine Missionszeitschift. He was also involved in the founding of the German Protestant Missions Committee in 1885, serving as secretary until 1901. He held the first university chair in missiology at Halle University from 1896 to 1908.[1] He is considered to be one of the first missiologists.[2]David Bosch describes him as "the father of missiology as a theological discipline."[3]
The oldest son of a master needlemaker, Warneck went from the family needleshop to study at the Francke Foundation and then studied with the theological faculty at Halle University beginning in 1855. During his studies he became a member of Hallenser Wingolf, a Christian non-denominational student association. After graduation he served as a private tutor and became an assistant pastor in Dommitzsch, Germany. In 1871 he was appointed as theological teacher for the Rhenish Mission Society in Barmen. Due to illness, however, in 1874 he moved to the parish office in Rothenschirmbach near Eisleben.
In 1874 Warneck founded the Allgemeine Missions-Zeitschrift, which he published in conjunction with Reinhold Grundemann. In 1879 he founded the Saxon Provincial Mission Conference. In 1896 he was appointed Professor of the Science of Mission (missiology) in the University of Halle which was the first time missiology was an academic discipline at a German university.
He was buried in the north cemetery in Halle an der Saale and wished for the words on his tombstone, "Let my grace be enough for you, because my strength is mighty in the weak."
Missionsstunden, Bd. 1: Die Mission im Lichte der Bibel. 1878
Die gegenseitigen Beziehungen zwischen der modernen Mission und Kultur. 1879
Die christliche Mission : ihre sachliche Begründung und thatsächliche Ausführung in der Gegenwart. 1879
Abriß einer Geschichte der protestantischen Missionen. 1882
Modern Missions and culture: their mutual relations. 1883
Missionsstunden, Bd. 2: Die Mission in Bildern aus ihrer Geschichte. 1884
Outline of the history of the Protestant missions from the Reformation to the present time : a contribution to recent church history. 1884
Protestantische Beleuchtung der römischen Angriffe auf die evangelische Heidenmission. 1884–85
Welche Pflichten legen uns unsere Kolonien auf?. 1885
Die Mission in der Schule. Ein Handbuch für Lehrer. 1887
Die Stellung der evangelischen Mission zur Sklavenfrage. 1889
History of Protestant missions. 1901
The scientific study of missions., 1909
Prayer for missions. 1930
Werner Raupp (Hrsg.): Mission in Quellentexten. Geschichte der Deutschen Evangelischen Mission von der Reformation bis zur Weltmissionskonferenz Edinburgh 1910, Erlangen/Bad Liebenzell 1990, S. 364–378 (Einl., Quellenauszüge, Lit.).* Evangelische Missionslehre. 1892, modernisierte Ausgabe 2015
^Kurian, George, ed. (2001). "Warneck, Gustav Adolf". Nelson's Dictionary of Christianity. Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson. p. 799. ISBN0-7852-4300-3.
^Bosch, David (1991). Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in the Theology of Mission. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis. p. 244.
Further reading
Axenfeld, Karl: Missionswissenschaftliche Studien : Festschrift zum Geburtstag des Herrn Prof. D. Dr. Gustav Warneck
Becker, Dieter & Andreas Feldtkeller: Es begann in Halle ... : Missionswissenschaft von Gustav Warneck bis heut
Daubanton, François Elbertus: In memoriam Prof. Dr. Gustav Warneck : toespraak bij het hervatten van zijne colleges den zes-en-twintigsten Januari 1911
Dürr, Johannes: Sendende und werdende Kirche in der Missionstheologie Gustav Warneck's
Balz, Heinrich: "Missionsobjekt" und selbständige Kirche eine Relektüre von G. Warneck, J. Schmidlin und M. Kähler
Griffioen, Dirk: Christelijke zending en wereldgodsdiensten : de godsdiensttheologie van Gustav Warneck, Hendrik Kraemer en J.E. Lesslie Newbigin in context = Christian mission and worldreligions : the theology of religion of Gustav Warneck, Hendrik Kraemer and J.E. Lesslie Newbigin in context
Kähler, Martin & Joh Warneck: D. Gustav Warneck, 1834-1910 : Blätter der Erinnerung
Kasdorf, Hans: Gustav Warnecks missiologisches Erbe eine biographisch-historische Untersuchung
Lefebvre, Pierre: L'influence de Gustav Warneck sur la Theologie missionnaire catholique
Lefebvre, Pierre: La théologie missionnaire de Gustav Warneck
Teinonen, Seppo: Gustav Warneckin varhaisen lähetysteorian teologiset perusteet
Werner Raupp (Hrsg.): Mission in Quellentexten. Geschichte der Deutschen Evangelischen Mission von der Reformation bis zur Weltmissionskonferenz Edinburgh 1910, Erlangen/Bad Liebenzell 1990, p. 364–378 (with introduction, source excerpts, literature).
Werner Raupp: Gustav Warneck. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL), Vol. 13, Herzberg: Bautz 1998 (ISBN3-88309-072-7), col. 359–371 (with detailed Bibliography).
Werner Raupp: Art.: Warneck, Gustav Adolf, in: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB), Vol. 27, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2020, p. 431–432.