Guy Walks into a Psychiatrist's Office...
"Guy Walks into a Psychiatrist's Office..." is the 14th episode of the HBO original series The Sopranos and the first of the show's second season. Written by Jason Cahill and directed by Allen Coulter, it originally aired on January 16, 2000. Starring
Guest starringAlso guest starring
SynopsisSeveral months after Mikey Palmice's murder, Livia Soprano's hospitalization, and Uncle Junior's arrest, business appears to be returning to normal for the DiMeo crime family. Tony Soprano is no longer receiving therapy from Dr. Melfi and is self-medicating. When his mother is mentioned, Tony insists that she is dead to him. Money is still coming in from Tony's capos. Phillip Parisi is killed for spreading gossip about Tony, his mother and his uncle. Tony's older sister Janice arrives from Seattle. Tony is apprehensive because he knows she will make financial demands but lets her stay at his home. At a family gathering, Carmela smiles as she watches Tony embracing Janice and his younger sister, Barbara. Janice is interested in Livia's will and her house; Tony is trying to sell the house and suspects that Janice is trying to obstruct the sale. Tony's mood worsens after Janice arrives. While driving, he passes out and runs off the road. He consults a new psychiatrist, who tells Tony that he recognizes him and is not taking new patients. He phones Melfi in the motel room where she is currently seeing patients, and tells her things are now safe; she is frightened, realizing that Tony knows where she is. Tony confronts Melfi in a diner and tries to apologize. Melfi states that one of her other patients died by suicide because her treatment was disrupted, and angrily tells Tony to "get out of my life." Christopher Moltisanti hires someone to take his stockbroker's licensing exam and becomes the SEC compliance officer for a boiler room conducting a "pump and dump" scam. He is assisted by two young men eager to make a mark, Matt Bevilaqua and Sean Gismonte. While Christopher is out of the office, the pair beat a broker for providing genuine investment advice. Tony rebukes Christopher, telling him to take his responsibilities seriously, but ends the meeting with a smile. Big Pussy Bonpensiero appears at Tony's home one morning. In his basement, Pussy explains that he has been in Puerto Rico having his back treated and got involved with a woman there. He expresses his resentment at being suspected of turning informant. Tony is initially furious that Pussy has not been in touch. He pats him down while giving him a hug; when Pussy is offended, he pulls him in for a real hug. He allows Pussy to start earning again but remains suspicious, though his story appears to check out. First appearances
Title reference
References to past episodes
Cultural references
Filming locationsListed in order of first appearance:[2]
External links