Gym Teacher: The Movie
Gym Teacher: The Movie is a 2008 sports comedy television film directed by Paul Dinello, starring Christopher Meloni, Amy Sedaris, David Alan Grier, and Nathan Kress. The film premiered on Nickelodeon on September 12, 2008.[1] PlotDavid "Dave" Stewie is a middle school PE teacher who sees a forthcoming award as a way to redeem himself of his greatest regret, a failure to make the 1988 US Olympic Team. Meanwhile, Roland Waffle is a new transfer student who is completely non-athletic and wears a helmet at all times due to his mother worrying he will get hurt. Abigail "Abby" Hoffman is the principal who carries "a Filipino fighting stick" to assault night prowlers lurking after school, and Morgan, Champ and Derrick, who are students of the school. Cast
ProductionThe film was shot in Vancouver, British Columbia;[2] all school scenes were filmed at Templeton Secondary School.[citation needed] Home mediaThe film was released on DVD on February 3, 2009, by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.[3] Notes
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