HUBOZ (Ukrainian: ГУБОЗ, Russian: ГУБОП) is an abbreviation for the Chief Administration in Fight with the Organized Crime (Ukrainian: Головне управління по боротьбі з організованою злочинністю) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was a specialized law enforcement agency. The agency director was the first deputy of the minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and acted as a minister in his or her absence.
HUBOZ director also governed the Department of Internal Security of HUBOZ.
In 2015 HUBOZ was liquidated with some other militsiya detachments of special purpose.[2]
Scope and purpose
discovering and ceasing activities of the stable socially dangerous organized groups and crime organizations that influence the social-economical and crime generating situation in regions and country
fight with corruption and bribery in the spheres that have a strategic meaning for the state economy among senior government officials, officials of judicial, law enforcement and regulatory authorities
discovering and liquidation of crime schemes directed on legalization of income that were received as result of crime activities of organized groups and crime organizations
providing reimbursement of losses to the state as well as individuals and legal entities caused by the activities of organized groups and crime organizations or corrupt acts