The story follows the relationship between a lawyer and an autistic student. Soon-ho is an attorney who needs to pay his father's debt. One day, he is engaged to deal with a murder case: Mi-ran, a housekeeper accused of murdering her employer. Mi-ran claimed that she found her employer dead in his own room. The only witness in this case is an autistic high school student named Ji-woo. To convince Ji-woo to attend the trial as a witness, Soon-ho decides to meet her, and befriends her in order to prove her testimony was false.
^Kim, Joo-won (2020-01-17). "[공식] '제56회 대종상 영화제' 오는 2월 25일 개최, 최종 노미네이트 작품 발표" [[Official] The 56th Daejong Film Festival will be held on February 25th, and the final nominated work will be announced.]. 서울경제 (in Korean). Retrieved 2023-09-27.