Ironclaw is a series of tabletop role-playing games created by Jason Holmgren of Sanguine Games, this series features anthropomorphic characters in a setting inspired by class and religious conflicts during the Italian Renaissance. Additionally, Jadeclaw is a related game that is set in a concurrent East Asian setting. Publication historyThe first edition of Ironclaw was initially published in 1999[1] by the independent publisher Sanguine Games. In May 2002 it was voted the most-popular furry RPG in a public poll which included works of the same era such as World Tree and Furry Pirates. The second edition was published in 2010; it has since sold over 10,000 copies.[2] As of 2019, the game has been in continuous publication, with various add-on books such as The Book of Monsters featuring Ursula Vernon,[3] and is run at furry conventions such as Furry Fiesta,[4] Midwest FurFest and Anthrocon. SystemIronclaw uses a system where attributes of characters are matched to different polyhedral dice.[5] These attributes include a character's physical, mental, and social capabilities, in addition to the abilities associated with their species.[6][7] This system was later used in Sanguine's other role-playing games, including Jadeclaw.[8] Published books1st Edition (1999-2004):[8]
2nd Edition (2010-present):[8]