Lil' LibrosLil' Libros is a Los Angeles-based independent bilingual children's book publisher. Its titles are distributed by Readerlink, Amazon, Baker & Taylor, Brodart, Follett Corporations, and other independent distributors across the United States. It is a member of the American Booksellers Association, Publishers Association of the West, and Independent Book Publisher's Association. Lil' Libros was founded by Patty Rodriguez and Ariana Stein (née Sauceda)[1] in 2014 with a focus on bilingual picture books and an emphasis on Latin American elements, including Loteria: First Words/Primeras Palabras and Counting Con/Contando con Frida, both of which led to being featured on online publications, Washington Post,[2] and Buzzfeed.[3] Rodriguez serves as CCO and Stein as CEO.[4] As of 2017, Lil' Libros expanded its book line to include 10 titles in all so far and a board game. This rapid success led the company to promotion in other online publications such as Forbes,[5] La Opinion,[6] and L.A. Parent.[7] The company signed a world wide distribution agreement in 2017 with Gibbs Smith and is expanding to create books for older age groups.[8] References