Malootty is a 1990 Indian Malayalam-language survival drama film directed by Bharathan, starring Shamili in the title role along with Jayaram and Urvashi. The story is set in the 1980s, in which a girl is trapped in a drill hole and survives after many hours. The title drawings were done by Bharathan's son. Shamili won the Kerala State Film Award for Best Child Artist.[1] PlotFive-year-old Malootty is the only child of Raji and Unnikrishnan, who is on her vacation with them. Events take a tragic turn when she visits a vacation home, suddenly falls into a drill hole,[2] and becomes stuck inside while playing ball with her dog. Unnikrishnan struggles to save her from the hole. Cast
SoundtrackAll lyrics are written by Pazhavila Rameshan; all music is composed by Johnson
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