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Manuel Paso

portrait of Manuel paso

Manuel Paso (1864–1901) was a Spanish poet and playwright.

Born in Granada, he was the lesser-known of the five Spanish so-called “autores premodernistas” (pre-Modernist poetry) Manuel Reina, Salvador Rueda, Ricardo Gil, and Carlos Fernández Shaw.[1]

He worked for the magazines Germinal and La Democracia Social and his poems were also published in Los Madriles.

Paso died of tuberculosis at the age of 35.


  • 1886: Nieblas




  • A. W. Phillips "En torno a la poesía de Manuel Paso, olvidado escritor granadino" in L. T. González del Valle, D. Villanueva, Ed. Estudios en honor a Ricardo Gullón, Nebraska, pp. 263–278

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