Missing (2009 TV series)
Missing is a British daytime television crime drama series starring Pauline Quirke and Mark Wingett. The series is set in a busy, under-resourced missing-persons unit, and follows the team led by DS Mary Jane "MJ" Croft (Quirke). The first series of five episodes aired on BBC One in 2009, with an extended second series of 10 episodes airing in 2010. It was filmed in and around Dover, and Tonbridge.[1][2] The series also starred Felix Scott and Pooja Shah as Croft's sidekicks, Jason Doyle and Amy Garnett. Guest stars who appeared throughout the series run include Paul Nicholas, Brooke Kinsella, Gary Lucy, and Sylvia Syms.[3] It was the first British daytime regular series to be broadcast on the BBC since Doctors in 2000, after Channel 5 brought the rights to Neighbours in 2008 and Missing, was shown on Neighbours former 14:15 slot and since Missing was first broadcast, Moving On, Land Girls, The Indian Doctor, Justice, 32 Brinkburn Street, The Case, Secrets and Words, Nick Nickleby (as a mini-series), Privates, Father Brown, WPC 56, The Coroner, The Moonstone (as a mini-series), Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators and The Mallorca Files have been commissioned by BBC Daytime, including Pitching In, London Kills and Hope Street which have both been broadcast on BBC One Wales, Acorn TV and BBC One Northern Ireland respectively before being broadcast on BBC One. Moving On, Father Brown, Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators and The Mallorca Files are current BBC Daytime Productions all have been shown after Doctors. ProductionThe first series was commissioned in July 2008 to be broadcast in the daytime schedule, alongside a new series Missing Live,[4] which follows the work of the police and a missing-persons charity searching for people who go missing. A second series was commissioned in October 2009. BBC daytime controller Liam Keelan commented: "We have seen how successful combining drama and factual programming has been in BBC Daytime - extending the run of Missing will create an even greater sense of event."[5] Main cast
Episode listSeries 1 (2009)
Series 2 (2010)
External links