Chairman of the National Secretariat of Construction, Wood Workers and Environmental Protection of Independent Self-governing Labour Union "Solidarity"-80
Piotr Paweł Morta (born 19 June 1959 in Wieluń) is a Polish political activist, dissident, economist, co-inventor,[1] activist in underground "Solidarity", Krajowy Mistrz Racjonalizacji 1983 (Polish master of rationalization in 1983), and vice-chairman of European Works CouncilPfleiderer AG.
In years 1998-2014 he was a chairman of the National Secretariat of Construction and Wood Workers of Independent Self-governing Labour Union "Solidarity". He has served as a chairman of the National Secretariat of Construction, Wood Workers and Environmental Protection of Independent Self-governing Labour Union "Solidarity"-80 since 2014. As a result of his efforts,"Solidarity"-80 became a member of the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) on 1 July 2018.[4][5] Moreover, he was vice-chairman of European Works Council Pfleiderer AG from 2007 to 2014.[6] Since March 28, 2017, he has been a member of The Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites at the Wrocław branch of the Institute of National Remembrance.[7][8][9][10]
Co-author of the publication "Szanse i zagrożenia rozwoju Zakładów Płyt Wiórowych Prospan S.A. będące wynikiem prywatyzacji" (Opportunities and threats to the Development of Particleboard Manufacturing Plant Prospan S.A. resulting from privatization), which was published by Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poznań 1997.[11]
2016: Odznaka honorowa "Działacza opozycji antykomunistycznej lub osoby represjonowanej z powodów politycznych" (Decoration of Honor for activist of anti-communist opposition or repressed person for political reasons)
2016: Krzyż Niezłomni Niepokorni 1956-1989 (Cross for unbreakable and disobedient person)
Piotr Morta is a co-inventor of chain link - this invention was patented by the Polish Patent Office.[30] He received a certificate from the Institute of National Remembrance - Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation. According to the certificate he is a victim in the meaning of the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance. In 2017 he was awarded the title of "Meritorious for Wieruszów County".[31][32][33][34] On September 21, 2022, during the Solidarity-80 Delegates' Convention, he was awarded the Medal of Merit for Community Accords for his outstanding contributions to the democratic transition in Poland.[35][36]
Personal life
Piotr Morta is married to Maria Jolanta, who is a teacher.[37] Together they have three daughters: Natalia, Martyna, and Julia.[38]
^Pietrzak, Jerzy Kazimierz (2015). Wykorzystać szansę wolności Komitety Obywatelskie "Solidarność" i wybory 4 czerwca 1989 r. w województwie kaliskim [Use the chance of freedom. Solidarity Citizens' Committees and elections on 4 June 1989 in the Kalisz voivodeship.] (in Polish). Ostrów Wielkopolski: Muzeum Miasta Ostrowa Wielkopolskiego. pp. 26, 28, 51, 52, 75, 146. ISBN978-83-88480-65-2.
^Szanse i zagrożenia rozwoju restrukturyzowanych przedsiębiorstw w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej. Poznań: Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu. 1997. pp. 210–223.
Grażyna Schlender (2001). Solidarność Wielkopolski Południowej w latach 1980–2000. Kalisz: Zarząd Regionu NSZZ "Solidarność" Wielkopolska Południowa. pp. 554, 555, 557, 560, 561, 562, 563. ISBN83-911157-7-1.