The post-autistic economics movement (French: autisme-économie),[1] or movement of students for the reform of economics teaching (French: mouvement des étudiants pour une réforme de l'enseignement de l'économie),[2] is a political movement that criticises neoclassical economics and advocates for pluralism in economics. The movement gained attention after an open letter signed by almost a thousand economics students at French universities and grandes ecoles was published in Le Monde in 2000.[3]
The French term autisme has an older meaning than the English term autism and signifies "abnormal subjectivity, acceptance of fantasy rather than reality". However, post-autistic economists also "assert that neoclassical economics has the characteristics of an autistic child".[4]
The pejorative reference to autism is considered offensive by some economists.[5]
The French minister of education appointed a panel headed by Jean-Paul Fitoussi to inquire into economics teaching.[6] In 2000, the panel called for limited reform.[7]
Articles associated with the movement were published in the Post-Autistic Economics Newsletter from September 2000. This electronic newsletter became the Post-Autistic Economics Review and, since 2008, has existed as the peer-reviewed journal Real-World Economics Review.[8]
Several responses to the French students' open letter were also published in Le Monde. A counter-petition signed by 15 French economists was published in October 2000.[9]Robert Solow adhered to the "main thesis" of the French students' petition, but criticised the "opaque and almost incomprehensible" debate that followed among academics.[10]Olivier Blanchard published a response defending mainstream economics.[8] Other notable economists, such as Steve Keen and James K. Galbraith, wrote elsewhere in support of the French students.[11]