RFK (film)
RFK is a 2002 American biographical historical drama television film directed by Robert Dornhelm and written by Hank Steinberg. The film stars Linus Roache as Robert F. Kennedy. David Paymer, Martin Donovan, Jacob Vargas, Marnie McPhail, Sergio Di Zio, Sean Sullivan, Ving Rhames and James Cromwell also star. It premiered on the FX Network on August 25, 2002. The film takes place through the eyes of RFK after his brother John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963.[1] As he lives through the loss, he starts to identify himself as a political figure, not just the former president's brother. He makes it official with a 1968 United States presidential election bid in order, what he says, to "save the Democratic Party".[2] During his campaign, in which the American people showed great support for him, RFK was shot and killed by pro-Palestinian activist Sirhan Sirhan as a statement against Kennedy's unwavering support of Israel.[3] The film was shot in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Cast
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