Romance TheatreRomance Theatre is a 30-minute American anthology television series produced for first-run syndication by Courtship Productions.[1] A total of 83 episodes aired from 1982–83. The show was hosted by Louis Jourdan.[2][3] Each story was written by a member of the Romance Writers of America Guild and consisted of five episodes.[4] Guest stars included Millie Perkins, Doris Roberts, Annie Potts, Janis Paige, Lyle Waggoner, and Chuck Woolery. Critical responseThe book Syndicated Television: The First Forty Years, 1947-1987 suggested that one problem with Romance Theatre was, "the producers of the series made an inviolate promise to the viewers that each of the five-part stories would end happily, and what true soap-opera fan wanted to see that?"[5] References
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