The Lloyd Bridges Show
The Lloyd Bridges Show is an American anthology drama television series produced by Aaron Spelling that aired on CBS from September 11, 1962 to May 28, 1963, starring and hosted by Lloyd Bridges. Broadcast historyThe Lloyd Bridges Show, a Four Star production, aired on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Eastern time; summer rebroadcasts aired from June to September 3, 1963. The series aired opposite the first season of ABC's military drama Combat!, starring Rick Jason and Vic Morrow, and the last season of NBC's western series Laramie starring John Smith, Robert Fuller, and Spring Byington. It followed rebroadcasts of the half-hour version of CBS's Gunsmoke under the title Marshal Dillon, starring James Arness.[1][2][3] Notable guest stars
EpisodesThe Lloyd Bridges Show was a 1962–63 anthology series produced by Aaron Spelling, which ran for 34 episodes. Lloyd Bridges appeared in each episode as anthology narrator Adam Shepherd, and was often also one of the characters in the storyline.[4][5]
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