The Voice Kids is a Brazilian music talent show which premiered on TV Globo on January 3, 2016 and ended on July 9, 2023. Based on the reality singing competition The Voice Kids, the series was created by Dutch television producer John de Mol.
The series' original coaches were Carlinhos Brown, Ivete Sangalo and Victor & Leo.[1]Victor Chaves left the show midway through season 2 due to his wife's allegations against him concerning domestic violence. As a result, previously recorded footage of him was edited out from episodes 8 and 9, and Leo became a solo coach for the remaining of the season.[2]
In August 2023, Globo announced that the upcoming 12th season of the regular series would be the last, thus cancelling the children's version after season eight.[7]
The series is part of The Voice franchise and is based on a similar competition format in the Netherlands entitled The Voice of Holland. The winner receives a R$ 250.000 prize and a recording contract with Universal Music Group. Participants are required to be between the ages of 8 and 14.
The series consists of three phases:
Blind audition
Battle round
Live performance shows
Blind audition
Three coaches, all famous musicians, will choose teams of 18–24 contestants each through a blind audition process. Each judge has the length of the auditionee's performance to decide if he or she wants that singer on his or her team; if two or more judges want the same singer then the singer gets to choose which coach they want to work with.
Battle round
Each team of singers will be mentored and developed by their coach. In this stage, coaches will have three of their team members battle against each other by singing the same song, with the coach choosing which team member will advance to the next stage.
Live performance shows
In the final phase, the remaining contestants of each team will compete against each other in 2–5 weeks of live broadcasts. The television audience will help to decide who moves on. When one team member remains for each coach, these three contestants will compete against each other in the season finale, with the most voted singer declared the season's winner.