Tema loodud on Vahemeregeoloogilist ehitust ja selle mõju piirkonna kultuurile tutvustav kuueosaline telesaatesari "Journeys From the Centre of the Earth" (2004).[2]Vaikse ookeani tulerõnga neljaosaline sari "Journeys into the Ring of Fire" (2007)[3] ning viieosaline geosfääre tutvustav sari "Earth: The Power of the Planet" (2007).[4][5][6] Lisaks on ta esinenud BBC geoloogiasaates "Rough Science"[7]. 2008. aastal on ta olnud tegev kliimamuutuse teemat lahkava kolmeosalise sarja "Earth: The Climate Wars" loomisega.[8] Enamik Stewarti sarjadest on toodetud koostöös BBC-ga. Stewarti esinemisstiil on emotsionaalne ja kaasahaarav. Omapäraseks teeb tema esinemise varjamatu ja üsna tugev šoti aktsent.
Vahemere geoloogiat tutvustav sari (USA-s pealkirjaga "Hot Rocks: Geology of Civilisation"[9]) sai 2005. aastal USA-s Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festivalil parima teadussaate auhinna.[1]
Stewart, I.S. and C. Vita-Finzi (eds.). 1999. Coastal Tectonics. London: the Geological Society. Special Publication (ISBN 186239024x)
McGuire, W.J., Griffiths, D., Hancock, P.L. & Stewart, I.S. (Eds.) 2000. The Archaeology of Geological Catastrophes. London: the Geological Society. Special Publication, 171, 413p.
Stewart, I.S., Sauber, J. & Rose, J. (Eds.) 2000. Ice Sheets, Crustal Deformation and Seismicity. Quaternary Science Reviews special issue, vol. 14/15.
Dunne, W., Stewart, I.S. & Turner, J.P. (Eds.) 2001. Brittle Microtectonics, Neotectonics and Archaeoseismicity. Journal of Structural Geology, special issue, vol. 13, No.2/3, 500pp.
Morner, N.A., Stewart, I.S., Trifonov, V.G., Caputo, R., Nikonov, A.A., Kozhurin, A.I.,& Kopp, M.L. (Eds.) 2004. Active Faults in the Eastern Hemisphere. Tectonophysics Special Issue volume 380, nos. 3-4.
Stewart, I.S. 2005. Journeys from the centre of the Earth: how geology shaped civilization. London: Century/Random House. ISBN 1844138135
Stewart, I.S. and J. Lynch. 2008. Earth: the biography. Washington DC: National Geographic. ISBN 1426202369.