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Les Sources de la civilisation occidentale : Proche-Orient, Egypte, Grèce et Rome antiques [« Ancient Civilizations of the Near East and Mediterranean »] (trad. de l'anglais par Didier Pemerle), Paris, France Loisirs, , 304 p. (ISBN2-7441-2539-3).
Encyclopaedia of the Viking Age : With 279 Illustrations, Thames & Hudson, 2000. (ISBN0500282285)
Everyday Life in the Ancient World, Anness Publishing, 2003. (ISBN0754812243)
Gods and Beliefs : Gods, Beliefs and Ceremonies Through the Ages, Anness Publishing, 2003. (ISBN1842159135)
Tribes and Empires, Anness Publishing, 2004. (ISBN1842159577)
The Complete Illustrated Guide to the Kings & Queens of Britain : A Magnificent and Authoritative History of the Royalty of Britain, the Rulers, Their Consorts and Families, and the Pretenders to the Throne (coécrit avec Charles Phillips), Anness Publishing, 2006. (ISBN0754816281)
Dark Age Naval Power : A Reassessment of Frankish and Anglo-Saxon Seafaring Activity, Anglo-Saxon Books, 2006. (ISBN1898281432)
Living History : What Life Was Like in Ancient Times, Anness Publishing, 2006. (ISBN075481565X)
The Great Migrations : From the Earliest Humans to the Age of Globalization, Gardners Books, 2008. (ISBN1847245439)