Sandra Ruth Lipsitz Bem (Pittsburgh, – Ithaca, ) est une psychologue américaine connue pour ses travaux sur l'androgynie et sur le genre. Ses travaux pionniers sur les rôles et les stéréotypes de genre ont mené à plus d'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes dans le monde du travail aux États-Unis[non neutre][1].
Elle a notamment développé le Bem Sex-Role Inventory, un outil d'évaluation (mesure) de la masculinité et de la féminité, utilisé pour la recherche sur les rôles de genre.
Bem, Sandra L. (1974). "The measurement of psychological androgyny". Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 42, 155-62.
Bem, Sandra L. and C. Watson. (1976). "Scoring packet: Bem Sex Role Inventory". Unpublished Manuscript
Bem, S. L. (1977). "On the utility of alternative procedures for assessing psychological androgyny". Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 196-205
Bem, S. L. (1977). The 1977 annual handbook for group facilitators.
Bem, S. L. (1979). "Theory and measurement of androgyny: A Reply to the Pedhazur- Tetenbaum and Locksley- Colten Critiques." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37, 1047.
Bem, S. L., & Andersen, S. M. (1981). "Sex typing and androgyny in dyadic interaction: Individual differences in responsiveness to physical attractiveness." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 41, 74.
Bem, S. L. (1981). "Gender schema theory: A cognitive account of sex typing source". Psychological Review, 88, 354.
Bem, S. L. (1981). "The BSRI and gender schema theory: A reply to Spence and Helmreich". Psychological Review, 88, 369-71.
Bem, S. L. (1982). "Gender schema theory and self-schema theory compared: A comment on Markus, Crane, Bernstein, and Siladi's "Self-schemas and gender"". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43,1192
Bem, S. L. (1989). "Genital knowledge and gender constancy in preschool children". Child Development, 60, 3.
Bem, S. L. (1993). The lenses of gender: Transforming the debate on sexual inequality. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Bem, S. L. (1995). "Dismantling gender polarization and compulsory heterosexuality: Should we turn the volume down or up?" Journal of Sex Research, 32, 329-334.
Bem, S. L. (1998), An Unconventional Family. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Bem, S. L., Schellenberg, E. G., & Keil, J. M. (1995). ""Innocent victims" of AIDS: Identifying the subtext". Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 25, 1790-1800.
Chesler, P., Rothblum, E. D., & Cole, E. (1995). Feminist foremothers in women's studies, psychology, and mental health. New York: Haworth Press.