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Amen (Otis Redding)

raccolta discografica
ArtistaOtis Redding
Rhythm and blues
EtichettaATCO Records (40292)
Otis Redding - cronologia
Album successivo

Amen è un album di Otis Redding, pubblicato dalla ATCO Records nel 1974.


Lato A
  1. I've Got Dreams to Remember – 3:10
  2. You Made a Man Out of Me – 2:06
  3. Nobody's Fault but Mine – 2:20
  4. Hard to Handle – 2:18
  5. Thousand Miles Away – 2:09
  6. The Happy Song – 2:40
Lato B
  1. Think About It – 2:59
  2. A Waste of Time – 3:15
  3. Champagne and Wine – 2:49
  4. A Fool for You – 2:35
  5. Amen – 3:20

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