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Tobin, James (1961). "Money, Capital, and Other Stores of Value," American Economic Review, 51(2), pp. 26–37. Reprinted in Tobin, 1987, Essays in Economics, v. 1, pp. 217–27. MIT Press.
Tobin, James (1969). “A General Equilibrium Approach to Monetary Theory”. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking1.1 (1): 15-29.
Tobin, James (1970). "Money and Income: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc?" Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84(2), pp. 301–317.
Tobin, James and William C. Brainard (1977a). "Asset Markets and the Cost of Capital". In Richard Nelson and Bela Balassa, eds., Economic Progress: Private Values and Public Policy (Essays in Honor of William Fellner), Amsterdam: North-Holland, 235-62.
Tobin, James (1977b). “How Dead is Keynes?”. Economic InquiryXV (4): 459-468.
Tobin, James, Essays in Economics, MIT Press: v. 1 (1987), Macroeconomics. Scroll to chapter-preview links. v. 2 Consumption and Economics. Description. v. 3 (1987). Theory and Policy (in 1989 paperback as Policies for Prosperity: Essays in a Keynesian Mode). Description and links. v. 4 (1996). National and International. Links.
Tobin, James, with Stephen S. Golub (1998). Money, Credit, and Capital. Irwin/McGraw-Hill. TOC.