ジェームズ・ハリントンは1611年、サプコテス・ハリントン(Sapcote(s) Harrington)とジェーン(Jane Samwell or Samuell)夫妻の子としてノーサンプトンシャーのアプトンに生まれた。1615年に死んだ初代エクストンのハリントン男爵ジョン・ハリントン(英語版)は大伯父にあたる。
^"England's premier civic humanist and Machiavellian. He was not the first to think about English politics in these terms..., but he was the first to achieve a paradigmatic restatement of English political understanding in the language and world-view inherited through Machiavelli." Pocock, "Intro", p. 15.
^ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目電子辞書版 (c)2006, Britannica Japan Co.,Ltd.
^Pocock writes that this explanation of Cromwellian censorship "has the authority of family tradition, but is not especially convincing." More credible, he finds, is that Oceana criticizes the Protectorate's maintenance of a standing army (in order to hold power), a concept clearly denounced in Oceana and other English republican tracts of the time, in favor of locally controlled regiments (militia). Pocock, "Intro", 8-9.
^the Rota being "a select debating society" which conducted "high quality discussions" where "proposals were formally voted on" by members of "salience", which may have included Samuel Pepys. Höpfl, ODNB, p. 388.
H.M. Höpfl, "Harrington, James", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 25, eds. H.C.G. Matthew; Brian Harrison (Oxford: 2004), 386-391. cited as 'Höpfl, ODNB'.
J.G.A. Pocock, "Editorial and Historical Introductions", The Political Works of James Harrington (Cambridge: 1977), xi-xviii; 1-152. [hb: ISBN 0-521-21161-1]; cited as 'Pocock, "Intro"'.
Blitzer, Charles. An Immortal Commonwealth: the Political Thought of James Harrington (Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1970;1960); [ISBN 0-208-00811-X].
Cotton, James. James Harrington's Political Thought and its Context (New York: Garland Pub., 1991); [ISBN 0-8153-0130-8].
Dickinson, W. Calvin. James Harrington's Republic (Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1983); [ISBN 0-8191-3019-2].
Downs, Michael. James Harrington (Boston: Twayne Pubs., 1977); [ISBN 0-8057-6693-6].
Fukuda, Arihiro, "Sovereignty and the Sword: Harrington, Hobbes, and Mixed Government in the English Civil Wars” (Clarendon Press, 1997) [ISBN 0198206836, ISBN 978-0198206835].
Pocock, J.G.A. "Interregnum: the Oceana of James Harrington", chapter 6 in Pocock, The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law: a Study of English Historical Thought in the Seventeenth Century, a reissue with a retrospect (Cambridge: 1987;1957); [pb: ISBN 0-521-31643-X].
Russell-Smith, Hugh Francis. Harrington and his Oceana; a story of a 17th century Utopia and its influence in America (New York: Octagon Books, 1971); [ISBN 0-374-96996-5].
Scott, Jonathan. "The Rapture of Motion: James Harrington's Republicanism", in Nicholas Phillipson; Quentin Skinner, eds. Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain (Cambridge: 1993), 139-163; [ISBN 0-521-39242-X].