2015年ラマダン攻撃とは、2015年6月26日(ラマダンの期間中)にフランス、クウェート、ソマリア、チュニジア、シリア(シリアの事件は一日早い6月25日に始まった)で起こった一連のテロ攻撃の総称である[1][2]。イスラム過激派組織「ISIL」の関与が明らかとなっている。報道においては「血の金曜日事件」 (Bloody Friday) や「黒い金曜日事件」と呼ばれることもある[3][4][5][6]。
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- ^ Terrorist Attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait Kill Dozens - New York Times - 26 June 2015
- ^ “Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, Sousse, Kobané, Koweït, Somalie : vague d’attaques djihadistes”. Le Monde. (27 June 2015). http://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2015/06/27/saint-quentin-fallavier-sousse-kobane-koweit-somalie-vague-d-attaques-djihadistes_4663046_3210.html 27 June 2015閲覧。
- ^ Dearden, Lizzie (27 June 2015). “Tunisia attack: At least 15 British tourists confirmed dead in aftermath of Bloody Friday - as it happened”. The Independent (London). http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/tunisia-attack-the-aftermath-of-bloody-friday--live-updates-10349661.html 27 June 2015閲覧。
- ^ “US reassesses ISIS threat post 'Bloody Friday's' triple attacks”. Asian News International. (27 June 2015). https://in.news.yahoo.com/us-reassesses-isis-threat-post-bloody-fridays-triple-111609449.html 27 June 2015閲覧。
- ^ “'Bloody friday': terreur op verschillende continenten”. ed.nl. (26 June 2015). http://www.ed.nl/algemeen/buitenland/bloody-friday-terreur-op-verschillende-continenten-1.5035032 27 June 2015閲覧。
- ^ Bender, Brian (27 June 2015). “U.S. reassesses threat of ISIL after 'Bloody Friday'”. Politico. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/06/us-reassesses-threat-of-isil-after-bloody-friday-119485.html 27 June 2015閲覧。
- ^ Shaheen, Kareem (27 June 2015). “Terrorist attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France stun three continents”. The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/26/terror-attacks-tunisia-kuwait-and-france-islamic-state
- ^ “Pro-Kurdish party says Kobani ‘massacre’ reflects Turkish support for ISIL”. euronews. 28 October 2015閲覧。
- ^ “Islamic State kills at least 145 civilians in Syria's Kobani”. Reuters. (26 June 2015). http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/06/26/us-mideast-crisis-syria-idUSKBN0P60UY20150626
- ^ “Kobani 'massacre' reflects Turkish support for ISIS: Pro-Kurd party”. The Daily Star Newspaper - Lebanon. 28 October 2015閲覧。
- ^ Sly, Liz (26 June 2015). “Islamic State attacks Kobane 5 months after ouster; scores reported killed”. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/islamic-state-returns-to-kobane-five-months-after-it-was-driven-out/2015/06/25/43498253-efce-44f8-bc6d-3000acc87d4e_story.html 28 June 2015閲覧。
- ^ CNN Staff (26 June 2015). “Rights group: ISIS attack on Kobani is 'second largest' - CNN.com”. CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/2015/06/26/middleeast/isis-syria/