Solanaceae sunt familia plantarum, herbas varias comprehendens, e quibus plures sunt venenosae, multae autem hominibus utiles. Fossile antiquissimum huius familiae usque adhuc repertum, speciei Physalidi infinemundi attributum, abhinc annorum 52 milies milium in Patagonia depositum est.[1] Maxima pars fossilium usque adhuc relatorum in Europa reperta sunt, excepto fossili ligneo Solanumxylo paranensi aevi Miocaeni.[2][3]
↑Adde fossilia pollenium: R. L. Hay, Geology of the Olduvai Gorge (Berkeleiae, 1976); E. B. Leopold, S. T. Clay-Poole, "Florissant leaf and pollen floras of Colorado compared: Climatic implications" in Proceedings of the Denver Museum of Natural History vol. 4 (2001) pp. 17–69 (citationes fide Deanna et al. (2020))
↑ 5.05.1Ryan J. Miller, Thomas Mione, Hanh-La Phan, Richard G. Olmstead, "Color by Numbers: Nuclear Gene Phylogeny of Jaltomata (Solanaceae), Sister Genus to Solanum, Supports Three Clades Differing in Fruit Color" in Systematic Botany vol. 36 (2011) pp. 153-162 JSTOR; Sandra Knapp, Thomas Mione, Abundio Sagástegui A., "A New Species of Jaltomata (Solanaceae) from Northwestern Peru" in Brittonia vol. 43 (1991) pp. 181-184 JSTOR
↑Maggie Whitson, Paul S. Manos, "Untangling Physalis (Solanaceae) from the Physaloids: A Two-Gene Phylogeny of the Physalinae" in Systematic Botany vol. 30 (2005) pp. 216-230 JSTOR
Barbro Axelius, "The Phylogenetic Relationships of the Physaloid Genera (Solanaceae) Based on Morphological Data" in American Journal of Botany vol. 83 (1996) pp. 118-124 JSTOR
Carolina Carrizo-García, "Breve historia evolutiva del género Capsicum" in Araceli Aguilar-Meléndez et al., edd., Los chiles que le dan sabor al mundo (Massiliae: IRD Editions, 2019) pp. 26-40
Carolina Carrizo García et al., "Phylogenetic relationships, diversification and expansion of chili peppers (Capsicum, Solanaceae)" in Annals of Botany vol. 118 (2016) pp. 35-51 JSTOR
Charles B. Heiser Jr., "The Ethnobotany of the Neotropical Solanaceae" in Advances in Economic Botany vol. 1: Ethnobotany in the Neotropics (1984) pp. 48-52 JSTOR
Sandra Knapp, "Tobacco to tomatoes: a phylogenetic perspective on fruit diversity in the Solanaceae" Journal of Experimental Botany vol. 53 (2002) pp. 2001–2022
Marcela Millan, William Crepet, "The Fossil Record of the Solanaceae Revisited and Revised; The Fossil Record of Rhamnaceae Enhanced" in Botanical Review vol. 80 (2014) pp. 73-106 JSTOR
Richard G. Olmstead et al., "Phylogeny and Provisional Classification of the Solanaceae Based on Chloroplast DNA" in Michael Nee et al., edd., Solanaceae IV (Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, 1999) pp. 111-137
Richard G. Olmstead et al., "A Molecular Phylogeny of the Solanaceae" in Taxon vol. 57 (2008) pp. 1159-1181 JSTOR