Kopš 1945. gada Šoklijs bija Bell Labs izpētes grupas vadītājs, kurā bija Džons Bardīns un Volters Brateins. Pēc Bell Labs izpētes grupas izjukšanas, 1956. gadā Šoklijs pārvācās no Ņūdžersijas uz Kaliforniju, kur izveidoja savu pusvadītāju ražotni Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory, kur viņš strādāja pie jaunu tranzistoru izstrādes komercializācijas. Šoklija uzņēmums, kas bija Beckman Instruments, Inc. nodaļa, bija pirmais tāda tipa uzņēmums, kas strādāja ar pusvadītāju ierīcēm tā sauktajā Silīcija ielejā. Vēlāk daži no viņa darbiniekiem paši izveidoja savus uzņēmumus.
Daļēji pateicoties Šoklija mēģinājumiem komercializēt jaunu tranzistora dizainu 20. gadsimta piecdesmitajos un sešdesmitajos gados, Kalifornijas Silīcija ieleja kļuva par elektronikas inovāciju rašanās vietu. Savā turpmākajā dzīvē, no 1958. gada Šoklijs bija Stenfordas Universitāteselektroinženierijas profesors, kur viņš arī kļuva par aktīvu eigēnikas teorijas atbalstītāju.[2]
ASV patentēti vairāk nekā 90 Šoklija izgudrojumi.
Šoklijam ir vairāk nekā 90 ASV patentu.[3] Daži no nozīmīgākajiem:
Apr. 24, 1962; Uzlabojumi pamatmateriālu ražošanas procesā.
US 3053635Method of Growing Silicon Carbide Crystals
Sept. 11, 1962; Citu pusvadītāju izpēte.
Šoklija pirmskara zinātniskie raksti
An Electron Microscope for Filaments: Emission and Adsorption by Tungsten Single Crystals, R. P. Johnson and W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 49, 436–440 (1936) doi:10.1103/PhysRev.49.436
Optical Absorption by the Alkali Halides, J. C. Slater and W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 50, 705–719 (1936) doi:10.1103/PhysRev.50.705
Electronic Energy Bands in Sodium Chloride, William Shockley, Phys. Rev. 50, 754–759 (1936) doi:10.1103/PhysRev.50.754
The Empty Lattice Test of the Cellular Method in Solids, W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 52, 866–872 (1937) doi:10.1103/PhysRev.52.866
On the Surface States Associated with a Periodic Potential, William Shockley, Phys. Rev. 56, 317–323 (1939) doi:10.1103/PhysRev.56.317
The Self-Diffusion of Copper, J. Steigman, W. Shockley and F. C. Nix, Phys. Rev. 56, 13–21 (1939) doi:10.1103/PhysRev.56.13
"Hole Injection in Germanium—Quantitative Studies and Filamentary Transistors", W. Shockley G. L. Pearson J. R. Haynes (1949) doi:10.1002/j.1538-7305.1949.tb03641.x
Shockley 1966, "Population Control or Eugenics." In J. D. Roslansky (ed.), Genetics and the Future of Man (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts)
Shockley 1967, "The Entrenched Dogmatism of Inverted Liberals", manuscript by Shockley from which major portions were read in lectures
Shockley 1968, "Proposed Research to Reduce Racial Aspects of the Environment-Heredity Uncertainty", proposal read by Shockley before the National Academy of Science on April 24, 1968
Shockley 1968, "Ten Point Position Statement on Human Quality Problems", revised by Shockley from a talk which he presented on "Human Quality Problems and Research Taboos"
Shockley 1969, "An Analysis Leading to a Recommendation Concerning Inquiry into Eugenic Legislation", press release by Shockley, Stanford University, 28 April 1969
Shockley 1970, "A 'Try Simplest Cases' Approach to the Heredity-Poverty-Crime Problem." In V. L. Allen (ed.), Psychological Factors in Poverty (Chicago: Markham)
Shockley 1979, "Proposed NAS Resolution, drafted October 17, 1970", proposed by Shockley before the National Academy of Sciences
Shockley 1971, "Dysgenics - A Social Problem Evaded by the Illusion of Infinite Plasticity of Human Intelligence?", manuscript planned for reading at the American Psychological Association Symposium entitled: "Social Problems: Illusion, Delusion or Reality."
"Models, Mathematics, and the Moral Obligation to Diagnose the Origin of Negro IQ Deficits", W. Shockley, (1971) [4]
Shockley 1972, "Proposed Resolution Regarding the 80% Geneticity Estimate for Caucasian IQ", advance press release concerning a paper presented by Shockley
Shockley 1973, "Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg Frequencies Caused by Assortative Mating in Hybrid Populations"[8]
Shockley 1974, "Eugenic, or Anti-Dysgenic, Thinking Exercises", press release by Shockley dated 1974 May 3
Shockley 1974, "Society Has a Moral Obligation to Diagnose Tragic Racial IQ Deficits", prepared statement by Shockley to be read during his debate against Roy Innis
Shockley 1978, "Has Intellectual Humanitarianism Gone Berserk?", introductory statement read by Shockley prior to a lecture given by him at UT Dallas
Shockley, 1979, "Anthropological Taboos About Determinations of Racial Mixes", press release by Shockley on 16 October 1979
Shockley 1980, "Sperm Banks and Dark-Ages Dogmatism", position paper presented by Shockley in a lecture to the Rotary Club of Chico, California, 16 April 1980
Shockley 1981, "Intelligence in Trouble", article by Shockley published in Leaders magazine, issue dated 1981 Jun 15
Shockley, William – Electrons and holes in semiconductors, with applications to transistor electronics, Krieger (1956) ISBN 0-88275-382-7.
Shockley, William and Gong, Walter A – Mechanics Charles E. Merrill, Inc. (1966).