Kaplan er president ved ESCP Business School, Sorbonne Alliance, Paris. Han har tidligere fungert som skolens provost (akademisk sjef) og ledet da omtrent 6 000 studenter fordelt på skolens seks europeiske avdelinger (Berlin, London, Paris, Torino, Warszawa). Før han sluttet seg til ESCP Business School, begynte Kaplan karrieren sin på ESSEC Business School og Sciences Po Paris.[11]
Kaplan er medlem og medstifter av European Center for Digital Competitiveness. Han sitter i styret i St. George's House (Windsor Castle),[12] og er medlem av Kozminski Universitys Executive Education Advisory Board.[13]
Andreas Kaplan (2022) Artificial Intelligence, Business and Civilization – Our Fate Made in Machines, Routledge
Andreas Kaplan (2021) Higher Education at the Crossroads of Disruption: The University of the 21st Century, Great Debates in Higher Education, Emerald Publishing
Kaplan, A. and M. Haenlein (2019) Rulers of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence, Business Horizons, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2019.09.003
Kaplan Andreas, Haenlein Michael (2019), “Siri, Siri in my Hand, who's the Fairest in the Land? On the Interpretations, Illustrations and Implications of Artificial Intelligence,” Business Horizons, 62 (1), 15 - 25
Kaplan Andreas M. (2018) A school is “a building that has four walls…with tomorrow inside”: Toward the reinvention of the business school, Business Horizons
Kaplan Andreas M., Haenlein Michael (2016) Higher education and the digital revolution: About MOOCs, SPOCs, social media, and the Cookie Monster, Business Horizons, Volume 59
Pucciarelli F., Kaplan Andreas M. (2016) Competition and Strategy in Higher Education: Managing Complexity and Uncertainty, Business Horizons, Volume 59(3)
Kaplan Andreas (2015) European business and management (Vol. I) – Cultural specificities and cross-cultural commonalities, Sage Publications Ltd., London
Kaplan Andreas (2015) European business and management (Vol. II) – Business ethics and corporate social responsibility, Sage Publications Ltd., London
Kaplan Andreas (2015) European business and management (Vol. III) – Contextual diversity and interdisciplinary aspects, Sage Publications Ltd., London
Kaplan Andreas(2015) European business and management (Vol. IV) – Business education and scholarly research, Sage Publications Ltd., London
Kaplan Andreas M. (2014) European Management and European Business Schools: Insights from the History of Business Schools, European Management Journal, 32(4), 529–534
Kaplan Andreas M.(2012) Social Media wird mobil: Grundlagen, Gebrauch und Gestaltung mobiler sozialer Medien, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 4, 16–20
^ oppført som Andreas Kaplan, pantheon.world[Hentet fra Wikidata]
^Who's Who in France, Who's Who in France biografi-ID 84544[Hentet fra Wikidata]