John Charlton Polkinghorne (Weston-super-Mare , 16 de outubro de 1930 - Cambridge , 9 de março de 2021 ) foi um físico , teólogo e sacerdote anglicano inglês .
Foi um proeminente e voz de liderança na explanação da relação entre religião e ciência , foi professor de física matemática na Universidade de Cambridge de 1968 a 1979, quando abdicou de sua cátedra para estudar para o sacerdócio, ordenado sacerdote Igreja Anglicana em 1982. Foi presidente do Queens' College (Cambridge) , de 1988 a 1996.
Polkinghorne é autor de cinco livros sobre física, e 26 sobre a relação entre ciência e religião; dentre suas publicações constam The Quantum World (1989), Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship (2005), Exploring Reality: The Intertwining of Science and Religion (2007), and Questions of Truth (2009).[ 1] Recebeu o Prêmio Templeton de 2002.[ 2]
Morreu em 9 de março de 2021, aos 90 anos, em Cambridge , cidade da Inglaterra .[ 3]
Polkinghorne publicou 34 livros, traduzidos em 18 línguas; 26 são sobre ciência e religião, a maioria para uma audiência popular.
Ciência e religião
The Polkinghorne Reader : Science, Faith, and the Search for Meaning (Edited by Thomas Jay Oord) (SPCK and Templeton Foundation Press, 2010) ISBN 1-59947-315-1 and ISBN 978-0-281-06053-5
The Way the World is : The Christian Perspective of a Scientist (1984 – revised 1992) ISBN 0-281-04597-6
One World (SPCK/Princeton University Press 1987; Templeton Foundation Press, 2007) ISBN 978-1-59947-111-2
Science and Creation (SPCK/New Science Library, 1989; Templeton Foundation Press, 2006) ISBN 978-1-59947-100-6
Science and Providence (SPCK/New Science Library, 1989; Templeton Foundation Press, 2006) ISBN 978-1-932031-92-8
Reason and Reality: Relationship Between Science and Theology (SPCK/Trinity Press International 1991) ISBN 978-0-281-04487-0
Quarks, Chaos and Christianity (1994; Second edition SPCK/Crossroad 2005) ISBN 0-281-04779-0
The Faith of a Physicist – published in the UK as Science and Christian Belief (1994) ISBN 0-691-03620-9
Serious Talk: Science and Religion in Dialogue (Trinity Press International/SCM Press, 1996) ISBN 978-1-56338-109-6
Scientists as Theologians (1996) ISBN 0-281-04945-9
Beyond Science: The wider human context (CUP 1996) ISBN 978-0-521-57212-5
Searching for Truth (Bible Reading Fellowship/Crossroad, 1996)
Belief in God in an Age of Science (Yale University Press, 1998) ISBN 0-300-08003-4
Science and Theology (SPCK/Fortress 1998) ISBN 0-8006-3153-6
The End of the World and the Ends of God (Trinity Press International, 2000) with Michael Welker
Traffic in Truth: Exchanges Between Sciences and Theology (Canterbury Press/Fortress, 2000) ISBN 978-0-8006-3579-4
Faith, Science and Understanding (2000) SPCK/Yale University Press ISBN 0-300-08372-6
The Work of Love: Creation as Kenosis editor, with contributors including Ian Barbour , Sarah Coakley , George Ellis , Jurgen Moltmann and Keith Ward (SPCK/Eerdmans 2001) ISBN 0-281-05372-3 / ISBN 0-8028-4885-0
The God of Hope and the End of the World (Yale University Press, 2002) ISBN 0-300-09211-3
The Archbishop's School of Christianity and Science (York Courses, 2003) ISBN 0954054385
'Science and Christian Faith' (Conversation on CD with Canon John Young. York Courses)
Living with Hope (SPCK/Westminster John Knox Press, 2003)
Science and the Trinity: The Christian Encounter With Reality (2004) ISBN 0-300-10445-6 (a particularly accessible summary of his thought)
Exploring Reality : The Intertwining of Science & Religion (SPCK 2005) ISBN 0-300-11014-6
Quantum Physics & Theology: An Unexpected Kinship (SPCK 2007) ISBN 978-0-281-05767-2
From Physicist to Priest, an Autobiography SPCK 2007 ISBN 978-0-281-05915-7
Theology in the Context of Science SPCK 2008 ISBN 978-0-281-05916-4
Questions of Truth : Fiftyone Responses to Questions about God, Science and Belief , with Nicholas Beale; foreword by Antony Hewish (Westminster John Knox 2009) ISBN 978-0-664-23351-8 [ 4]
Reason and Reality: The Relationship Between Science and Theology (2011) SPCK ISBN 978-0-281-06400-7
Science and Religion in Quest of Truth (2011) SPCK ISBN 978-0-281-06412-0
'Hawking, Dawkins and GOD' (2012) (Conversation on CD with Canon John Young. York Courses)
"The Trinity and Scientific Theology" in The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity , J.B. Stump and Alan G. Padgett (eds.), (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012)
On Space and Time (CUP 2008) along with Andrew Taylor , Shahn Majid , Roger Penrose , Alain Connes and Michael Heller ISBN 978-0-521-88926-1
Spiritual Information: 100 Perspectives on Science and Religion (Templeton Foundation Press, 2005) ed Charles Harper ISBN 1-932031-73-1
Creation, Law and Probability (Fortress Press 2008) ed Fraser Watts with Peter Harrison , George Ellis , Philip Clayton , Michael Ruse , Nancey Murphy , John Bowker & others ISBN 978-0-8006-6278-3
"Physical Processes, Quantum Events, and Divine Agency," in Quantum Mechanics: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, Russell, R.J., Clayton, P., Wegter-McNelly, K., Polkinghorne, J. (eds.), (VATICAN: Vatican Observatory, 2001)
Leitura adicional
Google Scholar – List of papers by John Polkinghorne
Some Polkinghorne quotes
John Polkinghorne on the "consequences of quantum theory" (for theology) , accessed 9 July 2012.
Video interview with Polkinghorne , accessed 25 March 2010.
Knight, Christopher C. (2012). "John Polkinghorne" in The Blackwell Companion to Science and Christianity J.B. Stump and Alan Padgett (eds.) (Wiley-Blackwell).
Macfarlane, Alan (2008). Interview of John Polkinghorne , 10 November 2008.
Pannenberg, Wolfhart (2001). «Response to John Polkinghorne» . Zygon . 36 (4): 799–800. doi :10.1111/0591-2385.00398
Polkinghorne, John. "Reductionism" , Interdisciplinary Encyclopedia of Religion and Science , accessed 25 March 2010.
Semple, Ian (2009). From physicist to priest: A quantum leap of faith , The Guardian , 9 April 2009; interview with Polkinghorne.
Smedes, Taede A. Chaos, Complexity, and God: Divine Action and Scientism .Louvain: Peeters 2004, a theological investigation of Polkinghorne's (and Arthur Peacocke 's) model of divine action.
Runehov, Anne L.C. "Chaos, Complexity, and God: Divine Action and Scientism by Taede A. Smedes" , Ars Disputandi , Volume 6, 2006.
Southgate, Christopher, ed. (1999) God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion T&T Clark. Relevant extracts.
Steinke, Johannes Maria (2006) John Polkinghorne – Konsonanz von Naturwissenschaft und Theologie Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Investigates Polkinghorne's theory of consonance, and analyses its philosophical background.
Wright, Robert . Video interview , Slate , accessed 25 March 2010.
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