Деванагарско писмо, састављено од 47 примарних знакова, укључујући 14 самогласника и 33 сугласника, четврти је најраспрострањенији систем писања у свету,[10] који се користи за преко 120 језика.[11]
Правопис овог писма одражава изговор језика.[11] За разлику од латиничног писма, ово писмо нема концепт великих слова.[12] Оно се пише слева надесно, има јаку склоност ка симетричним заобљеним облицима унутар квадратних обриса и препознатљиво је по хоризонталној линији, познатој као широрека, која се протеже дуж врха пуних слова.[7] У летимичном погледу, деванагаријско писмо изгледа другачије од других индијских писама, попут бенгалско-асамског, одијског или гурмучког, али помније испитивање открива да су врло слични, изузев углова и структуралног истицања.[7]
^Salomon 1996, стр. 378. sfn грешка: no target: CITEREFSalomon1996 (help)
^Daniels, P.T. (јануар 2008). „Writing systems of major and minor languages”.CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
^Masica, Colin (1993). The Indo-Aryan languages. стр. 143.
^ абKathleen Kuiper (2010), The Culture of India, New York: The Rosen Publishing Group. ISBN978-1615301492. стр. 83.
^ абGazetteer of the Bombay Presidency на сајту Гугл књиге, Rudradaman’s inscription from 1st through 4th century CE found in Gujarat, India, Stanford University Archives, pages 30–45, particularly Devanagari inscription on Jayadaman's coins pages 33–34
^ абвJain, Danesh; Cardona, George (26. 7. 2007). The Indo-Aryan Languages. Routledge. стр. 115. ISBN978-1-135-79710-2. „Nagari has a strong preference for symmetrical shapes, especially squared outlines and right angles [7 lines above the character grid]”CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
^Richard Salomon (2014), Indian Epigraphy, Oxford University Press. ISBN978-0195356663. стр. 40–42.
^Krishna Chandra Sagar (1993), Foreign Influence on Ancient India, South Asia Books. ISBN978-8172110284. стр. 137.
^Akira Nakanishi, Writing systems of the World. ISBN978-0804816540. стр. 48.
Maurer, Walter H. (1976). „On the Name Devanāgarī”. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 96 (1): 101—104. JSTOR599893. doi:10.2307/599893.
Lambert, Hester Marjorie (1953), Introduction to the Devanagari Script: For Students of Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati and Bengali, London: Geoffrey Cumberlege (Oxford University Press).
Salomon, Richard (2003), „Writing Systems of the Indo-Aryan Languages”, Ур.: Cardona, George; Jain, Dhanesh, The Indo-Aryan Languages, Routledge, стр. 67—103, ISBN978-0-415-77294-5.
A preliminary list of the Sanskrit and Prakrit manuscripts, Vedas, Sastras, Sutras, Schools of Hindu Philosophies, Arts, Design, Music and other fields, Friedrich Otto Schrader (Compiler), (Devanagiri manuscripts are identified by Character code De.)
Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts, Part 4: Manuscripts of Hindu schools of Philosophy and Tantra, Harvard University Archives (mostly Devanagari)
Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts, Part 5: Manuscripts of Medicine, Astronomy and Mathematics, Architecture and Technical Science Literature, Julius Eggeling (Compiler), Harvard University Archives (mostly Devanagari)
William Darrach Halsey, Emanuel Friedman (1983). Collier's Encyclopedia, with bibliography and index. „When the Arabian empire was expanding and contact was made with India, the Hindu numeral system and the early algorithms were adopted by the Arabs”
Daya Nand Sharma (1972), Transliteration into Roman and Devanāgarī of the languages of the Indian group, Survey of India, 1972, „'... With the passage of time, there has emerged a practically uniform system of transliteration of Devanagari and allied alphabets. Nevertheless, no single system of Romanization has yet developed ...'”
United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2007), Technical reference manual for the standardization of geographical names, United Nations Publications, 2007, ISBN978-92-1-161500-5, „'... ISO 15919 ... There is no evidence of the use of the system either in India or in international cartographic products ... The Hunterian system is the actually used national system of romanization in India ...'”
Snell, Rupert (1991). The Hindi classical tradition : a Braj Bhāṣā reader. London: School of Oriental and African studies. ISBN0-7286-0175-3. OCLC24794163.
George Cardona and Danesh Jain (2003), The Indo-Aryan Languages, Routledge. ISBN978-0415772945.
Reinhold Grünendahl (2001), South Indian Scripts in Sanskrit Manuscripts and Prints, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN978-3447045049.
George Cardona and Danesh Jain (2003), The Indo-Aryan Languages, Routledge. ISBN978-0415772945.
Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency, стр. 30, на сајту Гугл књиге, Rudradaman's inscription in Sanskrit Nagari script from 1st through 4th century CE (coins and epigraphy), found in Gujarat, India, pages 30–45