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Behind the Music

Behind the Music
Studioalbum av The Soundtrack of Our Lives
ProducentJohan Forsman, The Soundtrack of Our Lives
The Soundtrack of Our Lives-kronologi
Extended Revelation for the Psychic Weaklings of Western Civilization
Behind the Music
Origin Vol. 1

Behind the Music är ett musikalbum av den svenska rockgruppen The Soundtrack of Our Lives. Det utkom 2001.


  1. "Infra Riot" - 4:46
  2. "Sister Surround" - 3:36
  3. "In Someone Elses Mind" - 2:45
  4. "Mind the Gap" - 4:21
  5. "Broken Imaginary Time" - 5:15
  6. "21st Century Rip Off" - 3:57
  7. "Tonight" - 3:42
  8. "Keep the Line Movin'" - 2:48
  9. "Nevermore" - 3:22
  10. "Independent Luxury" - 3:59
  11. "Ten Years Ahead" - 2:51
  12. "Still Aging" - 3:53
  13. "In Your Veins" - 4:22
  14. "The Flood" - 2:48
  15. "Into the Next Sun" - 5:07
Prefix: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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