Ганс Клеверс (нід. Johannes Carolus (Hans) Clevers; 27 березня 1957(19570327), Ейндговен, Нідерланди) — голландський учений. Праці в основному присвячені молекулярній генетиці. Відомий як один з піонерів дослідження роботи стовбурових клітин.
В Утрехтському університеті отримав ступінь доктора медицини і доктора філософії — в 1984 і 1985 роках відповідно. В 1986-1989 рр. постдок в Dana–Farber Cancer Institute[en]. З 1991 р професор імунології, а з 2002 року професор молекулярної генетики альма-матер. В 2002-2012 рр. директор Інституту Г'юбрегта[nl].
Член редколегії журналу Cell.
Нагороди та визнання
- van de Wetering, M., Oosterwegel, M., Dooijes, D., and Clevers, H.C. Identification and cloning of TCF-1, a T cell-specific transcription factor containing a sequence-specific HMG box. EMBO J. 10:123-132 (1991)
- Verbeek, J.S., Ison, D., Hofhuis, F., Robanus-Maandag, E., te Riele, H., van de Wetering, M., Oosterwegel, M., Wilson, A., MacDonald, H.R. and Clevers, H.C. An HMG box containing T-cell factor required for thymocyte differentiation. Nature 374: 70-74 (1995)
- Schilham, M., Oosterwegel, M., Moerer, P., Jing Ya, de Boer, P., van de Wetering, M., Verbeek, S., S., Lamers, W., Kruisbeek, A., Cumano, A., and Clevers, H.Sox-4 gene is required for cardiac outflow tract formation and pro-B lymphocyte expansion. Nature 380: 711-714 (1996)
- Molenaar, M., Van de Wetering, M., Oosterwegel, M., Peterson-Maduro, J., Godsave, S., Korinek, V., Roose, J., Destrée, O. And Clevers, H. Xtcf-3 Transcription factor mediates beta-catenin-induced axis formation in xenopus embryos. Cell 86: 391-399 (1996)
- Korinek, V, Barker, N., Morin, P.J., van Wichen, D., de Weger, R., Kinzler, K.W., Vogelstein, B., and Clevers, H. Constitutive Transcriptional Activation by a beta-catenin-Tcf complex in APC-/- Colon Carcinoma. Science 275: 1784-1787 (1997)
- Morin, P.J., Sparks, A., Korinek, V., Barker, N., Clevers, H., Vogelstein, B., and Kinzler, K. Activation of beta-catenin-Tcf signaling in colon cancer by mutations in beta-catenin or APC. Science 275: 1787-1790 (1997)
- van de Wetering, M., Cavallo, R., Dooijes, D., van Beest, M., van Es, J., Loureiro, J., Ypma, A., Hursh, D., Jones, T., Bejsovec, A., Peifer, M., Mortin, M., and Clevers, H. Armadillo co-activates transcription driven by the product of the Drosophila segment polarity gene dTCF. Cell 88, 789-799 (1997)
- Korinek, V., Barker, N., Moerer, P., van Donselaar, E., Huls, G., Peters, P.J. and Clevers, H. Depletion of epithelial stem cell compartments in the small intestine of mice lacking Tcf 4. Nat Genet 19: 379 383 (1998)
- Roose, J., Molenaar, M., Peterson, J., Hurenkamp, J., Brantjes, H., Moerer, P., van de Wetering, M., Destree, O., and Clevers, H. The Xenopus Wnt effector XTcf-3 interacts with Groucho-related transcriptional repressors. Nature 395: 608-612 (1998)
- Roose, J., Huls, G., van Beest, M., Moerer, P., van der Horn, K., Goldschmeding, R., Logtenberg, T., and Clevers, H. Synergie between tumor suppressor APC and the beta-catenin/Tcf4 target gene Tcf1. Science 285: 1923-1926 (1999)
- Korswagen, R., Herman, M. and Clevers, H. Separate beta-catenins mediate Wnt signaling and cadherin adhesion in C. elegans. Nature 406: 527-532 (2000)
- Bienz, M., and Clevers, H. Linking colorectal cancer to Wnt signaling. Review Cell 103: 311-320 (2000)
- van de Wetering, M., Sancho, E., Verweij, C., de Lau, W., Oving, I., Hurlstone, A., van der Horn, K., Batlle, E., Coudreuse, D., Haramis, A-P., Tjon-Pon-Fong, M., Moerer, P., van den Born, M., Soete, G., Pals, S., Eilers, M., Medema, R., Clevers, H. The beta catenin/TCF4 complex imposes a crypt progenitor phenotype on colorectal cancer cells. Cell 111: 241-250 (2002)
- Batlle, E., Henderson, J.T., Beghtel, H., van den Born, M., Sancho, E., Huls, G., Meeldijk, J., Robertson, J., van de Wetering, M., Pawson, T., Clevers, H. Beta- catenin and TCF mediate cell positioning in the intestinal epithelium by controlling the expression of EphB/ephrinB. Cell 111: 251-263 (2002)
- Hurlstone, A.F., Haramis, A.P., Wienholds, E., Begthel, H., Korving, J., van Eeden, F., Cuppen, E., Zivkovic, D., Plasterk, R.H., Clevers, H. The Wnt/beta-catenin pathway regulates cardiac valve formation. Nature 425: 633-637 (2003)
- Baas, A.F., Kuipers, J., van der Wel, N.N., Batlle, E., Koerten, H.K., Peters, P.J., Clevers, H.C. Complete polarization of single intestinal epithelial cells upon activation of LKB1 by STRAD. Cell 116: 457-466 (2004)
- Haramis, A.P., Begthel, H., van den Born, M., van Es, J., Jonkheer, S., Offerhaus, G.J., Clevers, H. De novo crypt formation and Juvenile Polyposis upon BMP inhibition. Science 303: 1684-1686 (2004)
- Radtke, F and Clevers, H., Self-renewal and cancer of the gut: Two sides of a coin. Review Science 307: 1904-1909 (2005)
- Reya, T., Clevers, H., Wnt signalling in stem cells and cancer. Review. Nature 434: 843-850 (2005)
- Van Es, J.H., Van Gijn, M.E., Riccio, O., van den Born, M., Vooijs, M., Begthel, H., Cozijnsen, M., Robine, S., Winton, D.J., Radtke, F., Clevers H. Notch pathway/γ-secretase inhibition turns proliferative cells in intestinal crypts and neoplasia into Goblet cells. Nature 435: 959-963 (2005)
- Batlle, E., Bacani, J., Begthel, H., Jonkheer, S., Gregorieff, A., van de Born, M., Malats, N., Sancho, E., Boon, E., Pawson, T., Gallinger, S., Pals, S., Clevers, H. EphB activity suppresses colorectal cancer progression Nature 435: 1126-1130 (2005)
- Clevers, H. Wnt/β-catenin signaling in development and disease, Review Cell 127: 469-480 (2006)
- Barker, N., Van Es, J.H., Kuipers, J., Kujala, P., Van den Born, M., Cozijnsen, M., Haegebarth, A., Korving, J., Begthel, H., Peters, P.J., Clevers, H. Identification of stem cells in small intestine and colon by the marker gene LGR5. Nature 449: 1003-1007 (2007)
- Jaks, V., Barker, N, Kasper, M., van Es, J.H., Snippert, H.J., Clevers, H., Toftgård, R. Lgr5 marks cycling, yet long-lived, hair follicle stem cells. Nat Genet. 40: 1291-1299 (2008)
- Barker, N., Ridgway, R.A., van Es, J.H., van de Wetering, M., Begthel, H., van den Born, M., Danenberg, E., Clarke, A.R., Sansom, O.J., Clevers, H. Crypt Stem Cells as the Cells-of-Origin of Intestinal Cancer. Nature 457: 608-611 (2009)
- van der Flier, L.G., van Gijn, M.E., Hatzis, P., Kujala, P., Haegebarth, A., Stange, D.E., Begthel, H., van den Born, M., Guryev, V., Oving, I., van Es, J.H., Barker, N., Peters, P.J., van de Wetering, M. and Clevers, H. Transcription Factor Achaete Scute-Like 2 Controls Intestinal Stem Cell Fate. Cell 136: 903-912 (2009)
- Sato, T., Vries, R., Snippert, H., van de Wetering, M., Barker, N., Stange, D., van Es, J., Abo, A., Kujala, P., Peters, P., and Clevers, H. Single lgr5 gut stem cells build crypt-villus structures in vitro without a stromal niche. Nature 459 :262-265 (2009)
- Barker, N., Huch, M., Kujala, P., van de Wetering, M., Snippert, H.J., van Es, J.H., Sato, T., Stange, D.E., Begthel, H., van den Born, M., Danenberg, E., van den Brink, S., Korving, J., Abo, A., Peters, P.J., Wright, N., Poulsom, R., Clevers, H. Lgr5(+ve) stem cells drive self-renewal in the stomach and build long-lived gastric units in vitro. Cell Stem Cell 6: 25-36 (2010)
- Snippert, H.J., Haegebarth, A., Kasper, M., Jaks, V., van Es, J.H., Barker, N., van de Wetering, M., van den Born, M., Begthel, H., Vries, R.G., Stange, D.E., Toftgård, R., Clevers H. Lgr6 marks stem cells in the hair follicle that generate all cell lineages of the skin. Science 327: 1385-1389 (2010)
- Sato, T., van Es, J.H., Snippert, H.J., Stange, D.E., Vries, R.G., van den Born, M., Barker, N., Shroyer, N.F., van de Wetering, M., Clevers, H. Paneth cells constitute the niche for Lgr5 stem cells in intestinal crypts. Nature 469: 415-418 (2011)
- Snippert, J., van der Flier, L.G., Sato, T., van Es, J.H., van den Born, M., Kroon-Veenboer, C., Barker, N., Klein, A.M., van Rheenen, J. Benjamin D. Simons, B.D. and Clevers, H. Intestinal Crypt Homeostasis results from Neutral Competition between Symmetrically Dividing Lgr5 Stem Cells. Cell 143:134-44 (2010)
- de Lau, W., Barker, N., Low, T.Y., Koo, B.K., Li, V.S., Teunissen, H., Kujala, P., Haegebarth, A., Peters, P.J., van de Wetering, M., Stange, D.E., van Es, J., Guardavaccaro, D., Schasfoort, R.B., Mohri, Y., Nishimori, K., Mohammed, S., Heck, A.J., Clevers, H. Lgr5 homologues associate with Wnt receptors and mediate R-spondin signalling. Nature 476: 293-297 (2011)
- Li, V.S., Ng, S.S., Boersema, P.J., Low, T.Y., Karthaus, W.R., Gerlach, J.P., Mohammed, S., Heck, A.J., Maurice, M.M., Mahmoudi, T. and Clevers H. Wnt signaling inhibits proteasomal β-catenin degradation within a compositionally intact Axin1 complex. Cell 149: 1245-1256 (2012)
- Koo, B-K., Spit, M. Jordens, I., Low, T.Y., Stange, D.E., van de Wetering, M., van Es, J.H., Mohammed, S., Heck, A.J.R., Maurice, M.M. and Hans Clevers. Tumour suppressor RNF43 is a stem cell E3 ligase that induces endocytosis of Wnt receptors. Nature 488: 665-669 (2012)
- Schepers, A.G., Snippert, H.J., Stange, D.E., van den Born, M., van Es, J.H., van de Wetering, M., Clevers, H. Lineage Tracing Reveals Lgr5+ Stem Cell Activity in Mouse Intestinal Adenomas. Science 337: 730-735 (2012)
- van Es, J.H., Sato, T., van de Wetering, M., Lyubimova, A., Yee Nee, A.N., Gregorieff, A., Sasaki, N., Zeinstra, L., van den Born, M., Korving, J., Martens, A.C., Barker, N., van Oudenaarden, A., Clevers, H. Dll1(+) secretory progenitor cells revert to stem cells upon crypt damage. Nat Cell Biol. 14: 1099-1104 (2012)
- Boj, S, F., van Es, J.H., Huch. M., Li, V.S., Jose, A., Hatzis, P., Mokry, M., Haegebarth, A., van den Born, M., Chambon, P., Voshol, P., Dor, Y., Cuppenm E., Fillat, C., Clevers, H. Diabetes risk gene and Wnt effector Tcf7l2/TCF4 controls hepatic response to perinatal and adult metabolic demand. Cell 151: 1595-1607 (2012)
- Huch, M., Dorrell, C., Boj, S.F., van Es, J.H., van de Wetering, M., Li, V.S.W., Hamer, K., Sasaki, N., Finegold, M.J., Haft, A., Grompe, M., Clevers, H. In vitro expansion of single Lgr5+ liver stem cells induced by Wnt-driven regeneration. Nature 494: 247-250 (2013
- Sato, T., Clevers, H.. Growing self-organizing mini-guts from a single intestinal stem cell: mechanism and applications. Review Science 340: 1190-1194 (2013)
- Clevers, H. The intestinal crypt, a prototype stem cell compartment. Cell. 154: 274-284 (2013)
- Stange, D.E., Koo, B.K., Huch, M., Sibbel, G., Basak, O., Lyubimova, A., Kujalla, P., Bartfeld, S., Koster, J., Geahlen, J.H., Peters, P.J., van Es, J., van de Wetering, M., Mills, J.C., Clevers, H. Differentiated Troy+ chief cells act as ‘reserve’ stem cells to generate all lineages of the stomach epithelium. Cell 155: 357-368 (2013)
- Schwank, G., Koo, B.K., Sasselli, V., Dekkers, J.F., Heo, I., Demircan, T., Sasaki, N., Boymans, S., Cuppen, E., van der Ent, C.K., Nieuwenhuis, E.E., Beekman, J.M., Clevers, H. Functional Repair of CFTR by CRISPR/Cas9 in Intestinal Stem Cell Organoids of Cystic Fibrosis Patients. Cell Stem Cell 13: 653-658 (2013)
- Ritsma, L., Ellenbroek, S.I., Zomer, A., Snippert, H.J., de Sauvage, F.J., Simons, B.D., Clevers, H., van Rheenen, J. Intestinal crypt homeostasis revealed at single-stem-cell level by in vivo live imaging. Nature 507: 362-365 (2014)
- Karthaus, W.R., Iaquinta, P.J., Drost, J., Gracanin, A., van Boxtel, R., Wongvipat, J., Dowling, C.M., Gao, D., Begthel, H., Sachs, N., Vries, R.G., Cuppen, E., Chen, Y., Sawyers, C.L., Clevers, H.C. Identification of Multipotent Luminal Progenitor Cells in Human Prostate Organoid Cultures. Cell. 159:163-175 (2014)
- Huch, M., Gehart, H., van Boxtel, R., Hamer, K., Blokzijl, F., Verstegen, M., Ellis, E., van Wenum, M., Fuchs, S., de Ligt, J., van de Wetering, M., Sasaki, N., Boers, S., Kemperman, H., de Jonge, J. IJzermans, J., Niewenhuis, E., Hoekstra, R., Strom, S., Vries, R., van der Laan, L., Cuppen, E., Clevers, H. Long-term culture of genome-stable bipotent stem cells from adult human liver. Cell 160: 299-312 (2015)
- Boj, S.F., Hwang, C.I., Baker, L.A., Chio, I.I., Engle, D.D., Corbo, V., Jager, M., Ponz-Sarvise, M., Tiriac, H., Spector, M.S., Gracanin, A., Oni, T., Yu, K.H., van Boxtel, R., Huch, M., Rivera, K.D., Wilson, J.P., Feigin, M.E., Öhlund, D., Handly-Santana, A., Ardito-Abraham, C.M., Ludwig, M., Elyada, E., Alagesan, B., Biffi, G., Yordanov, G.N., Delcuze, B., Creighton, B., Wright, K., Park, Y., Morsink, F.H., Molenaar, I.Q., Borel Rinkes, I.H., Cuppen, E., Hao, Y., Jin, Y., Nijman, I.J., Iacobuzio-Donahue, C., Leach, S.D., Pappin, D.J., Hammell, M., Klimstra, D.S., Basturk, O., Hruban RH, Offerhaus GJ, Vries RG, Clevers H, Tuveson DA. Organoid models of human and mouse ductal pancreatic cancer. Cell 160: 324-338 (2015)
- van de Wetering, M., Francies, H.E., Francis, J.M., Bounova, G., Iorio, F., Pronk, A., van Houdt, W., van Gorp, J., Taylor-Weiner, A., Kester, L., McLaren-Douglas, A., Blokker, J., Jaksani, S., Bartfeld, S., Volckman, R., van Sluis, P., Li, V.S.W., Seepo, S., Sekhar Pedamallu, C., Cibulskis, C., Carter, S.L., McKenna, A., Lawrence, M.S., Lichtenstein, L., Stewart, C., Koster, J., Versteeg, R., van Oudenaarden, A., Saez-Rodriguez, J., Vries, R.G.J., Getz, G., Wessels, L., Stratton, M.R., McDermott, U., Meyerson, M., Garnett, M.J., Clevers, H. Prospective derivation of a 'Living Organoid Biobank' of colorectal cancer patients. Cell 161: 933-945 (2015)
- Drost, J., van Jaarsveld, R.H., Ponsioen, B., Zimberlin, C., van Boxtel, R., Buijs, A.,Sachs, N., Overmeer, R.M., Offerhaus, G.J., Begthel, H. Korving, J., van de Wetering, M., Schwank, G. Logtenberg, M., Cuppen, E., Snippert, H.J., Medema, J.P., Kops, G. J. P. L., Clevers, H. Sequential cancer mutations in cultured human intestinal stem cells. Nature 521: 43-47 (2015)
- Farin, H.F., Jordens, I., Mosa, M.H., Basak, O., Korving, J., Tauriello, D.V.F., de Punder, K., Angers, S., Peters, P.J. Maurice, M.M. and Clevers, H. Visualization of the short-range Wnt gradient in the intestinal stem cell niche. Nature 530: 340-343 (2016)
- Clevers, H. Modeling development and disease with organdies. Cell 165:1586-1597 (2016)
- Boj, S.F., Vonk, A.M., Statia, M., Su, J., Vries, R.R.G., Beekman, J.M., Clevers, H. Forskolin-Induced Swelling in Intestinal Organoids: An in vitro Assay for Assessing Drug Response in Cystic Fibrosis Patients. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) 120 (2017)
- Drost, J., van Boxtel, R., Blokzijl, F., Mizutani, T., Sasaki, N., Sasselli, V., de Ligt, J., Behjati, S., Grolleman, J.E., van Wezel, T., Nik-Zainal, S., Kuiper, R.P., Cuppen, E., and Clevers, H. Use of CRISPR-modified human stem cell organoids to study the origin of mutational signatures in cancer. Science 10.1126/science.aao3130 (2017)
- Sachs N, de Ligt J, Kopper O, Gogola E, Bounova G, Weeber F, Balgobind AV, Wind K, Gracanin A, Begthel H, Korving J, van Boxtel R, Duarte AA, Lelieveld D, van Hoeck A, Ernst RF, Blokzijl F, Nijman IJ, Hoogstraat M, van de Ven M, Egan DA, Zinzalla V, Moll J, Boj SF, Voest EE, Wessels L, van Diest PJ, Rottenberg S, Vries RGJ, Cuppen E, Clevers H. A Living Biobank of Breast Cancer Organoids Captures Disease Heterogeneity. Cell 172:373-386 (2018).
- Roerink S.F., Sasaki N., Lee-Six H., Young M.D., Alexandrov L.B., Behjati S., Mitchell T.J., Grossmann S., Lightfoot H., Egan D.A., Pronk A., Smakman N., van Gorp J., Anderson E., Gamble S.J., Alder C., van de Wetering M., Campbell P.J., Stratton M.R., Clevers H. Intra-tumour diversification in colorectal cancer at the single-cell level. Nature 556: 457-462 (2018)
- Hu, H, Gehart, H., Artegiani, B., Lopez-Iglesias, C., Dekkers, F., Basak, O., van Es, J., Chuva de Sousa Lopes, S.M., Begthel, H., Korving, J., van den Born, M., Zou, C., Quirk, C., Chiriboga, L., Rice, C.M., Ma, S., Rios, A., Peters, P.J., de Jongand, Y.P. and Clevers H. Long-term expansion of functional mouse and human hepatocytes as 3D organoids. Cell 175:1591-1606 (2018)
- Gehart, H., van Es, J., Hamer, K., Beuemr, J., Kretzschmar, K., Dekkers, J.F., Rios, A., and Clevers, H. Identification of enteroendocrine regulators by real-time single-cell differentiation mapping. Cell, in press (2018)
- Schutgens, F., Rookmaker, M.B., Margaritis, T., Rios, A., Ammerlaan, C., Jansen, J., Gijzen, L., Vormann, M., Vonk, A., Viveen, M., Yousef Yengej, F., Derakhshan, S., de Winter-de Groot, K.M., Artegiani, B., van Boxtel, R., Cuppen, E., Hendrickx, A.P.A.,van den Heuvel-Eibrink, M.M., Heitzer, E., Lanz, H., Beekman, J., Murk, J., Masereeuw, R., Holstege, F., Drost, J., Verhaar, M.C. and Clevers, H. Tubuloids derived from human adult kidney and urine for personalized disease modeling. Nature Biotechnology, in press (2019)