根據亞伯拉罕諸教,加百列是負責為神傳訊息的天使長,有時亦被視為死亡天使、火與雷的王子。加百列經常與米迦勒混為一談,而兩者皆為最高階的熾天使,由於在《聖經》中記載多半向女性顯現神蹟,繪畫作品中加百列被繪為女性形象,一般認為是女性的保護者。而在伊斯蘭教中,受真主之命向先知穆罕默德降示《古蘭經》,但認知上與猶太教和基督教有所出入。在巴哈伊信仰的典籍中也提及加伯利,最明顯的例子就是巴哈歐拉的形上著作《七谷经》与《四谷经》(The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys)。
《凡赫辛》:在2004年上映的影片《凡赫辛》中,吸血鬼德古拉将范海辛称为加百列(加百列·范海辛)。这是由于电影编剧将原著小说《德古拉》中“吸血鬼捕手”亞伯拉罕·范海辛改作加百列·范海辛(Gabriel Van Helsing),以强化范海辛这一角色的戏剧效果。故吸血鬼捕手成了天使加百列的化身,“上帝的左手”和“神之力”。
^ Archangel Gabriel (Internet). OrthodoxWiki. [2013-11-15]. (原始内容存档于2018-12-25). "Because the Angels are incorporeal beings, though they nevertheless take on human form when appearing to mankind, it can be difficult to differentiate one from another in icons. However, Gabriel is usually portrayed with certain distinguishing characteristics. He typically wears blue or white garments; he holds either a lily (representing the Theotokos), a trumpet, a shining lantern, a branch from Paradise presented to him by the Theotokos, or a spear in his right hand and often a mirror—made of jasper and with a Χ (the first letter of Christ (Χριστος) in Greek)—in his left hand. He should not be confused with the Archangel Michael, who carries a sword, shield, date-tree branch, and in the other hand a spear, white banner (possibly with scarlet cross) and tends to wear red. Michael's specific mission is to suppress enemies of the true Church (hence the military theme), while Gabriel's is to announce mankind's salvation.”
^, Rosemary. Encyclopedia of Angels 2nd. New York, NY: Facts on File, Inc. 2004: 140 [2013-11-15]. ISBN 9780816050239. OCLC 718132289. (原始内容存档于2014-01-04). He is the patron saint to telecommunication workers, radio broadcasters, messengers, postal workers, clerics, diplomats, and stamp collectors.
^Sundermann, Werner. GIANTS, THE BOOK OF. iranicaonline.org. Columbia University. 2001 [2019-01-09]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-09) (英语). Finally, the four avenging angels, identified as Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Israel (Hebr. Uriel; Mid. Pers. rwpʾyl, myxʾyl, gbrʾyl, srʾyl) put an end to the evil doings of the demons and incarcerated them and their sons, i. e., the giants.
Melville、Francis、2001年. The Book of Angels: Turn to Your Angels for Guidance、Comfort、and Inspiration. Barron's Educational Series; 1st edition. ISBN 978-0-7641-5403-4
Ronner、John、1993年. Know Your Angels: The Angel Almanac With Biographies of 100 Prominent Angels in Legend & Folklore-And Much More! Mamre Press. ISBN 978-0-932945-40-2.