国家地理(亚洲)(英语: National Geographic Asia ),前身为NBC Asia(全国广播公司亚洲台),曾用称呼为国家地理频道(英语: National Geographic Channel Asia ),商业缩写和商标为Nat Geo或Nat Geo TV )是迪士尼传媒集团亚太(通过 NGC Network Asia, LLC)对亚洲播出的收费电视频道。该频道播出的节目以涉及自然、科学、文化、历史的纪实节目为主,节目由国家地理学会制作。频道于1994年1月1日以NBC Asia的名义开播,起初为美国国家广播公司播出的频道,以播出美国NBC的节目为主,1998年改由美国国家地理学会管理。截至2008年,超过5600万家庭可以收看亚洲版国家地理频道。NGC Asia有6个不同的提要渠道。随着国家地理频道播出的节目内容迁移到流媒体平台Disney+ ,该频道或将于2023年至2024年关闭。目前该频道在中国国家广播电视总局134统一平台和亚太七号卫星上仍有播出,仅对中国大陆提供服务。[1]
^Chief Chapree. Astro Dedicated Esports Channel Is No More: eGG Network Are Now Under Arena. Lowyat.net. January 26, 2023 [June 15, 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-02). On a related note, eGG Network is not the only channel on Astro that will be taken off the air soon though. There are other channels too including National Geographic, Nat Geo Wild, Ta-Daa and Boomerang that will be discontinued on 1 February although the pay-TV operator has already added new channels such as Global Trekker, Love Nature/Love Nature 4K, DreamWorks, and BBC’s Cbeebies to become their replacements.