密列奥塞法隆战役(希臘語:Μάχη του Μυριοκέφαλου;土耳其語:Miryakefalon Savaşı)。战役发生在公元1176年9月17日安纳托利亚的弗里吉亚地区,对阵双方是拜占庭帝国军队与塞尔柱突厥罗姆苏丹国军队,密列奥塞法隆战役是拜占庭帝国走向灭亡的决定性失败,这场失利使得1071年曼齐克特战役后拜占庭帝国百年来恢复的军事力量遭遇重创,密列奥塞法隆战役的失败令拜占庭帝国错失了光复小亚细亚腹地的绝佳机会,后再无望收复为塞尔柱突厥人占据的安纳托利亚内陆地区。
^The battle was decisive in that it saved the Seljuk Sultanate but the military balance between the two belligerents was not greatly affected by its outcome. The bulk of Byzantine Asia Minor was retained for more than a century after the battle. Magdalino 1993,第99頁 harvnb模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFMagdalino1993 (幫助). "Whatever he [Manuel] said in the moment of defeat, it was not a disaster on the scale of Manzikert… Even Choniates admits that the frontier in Asia Minor did not collapse."
^Magdalino 1993,第98頁 harvnb模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFMagdalino1993 (幫助). "The defeat which it suffered in the narrows of Tzibritze, a day's march from Konya, near the ruined fort of Myriokephalon, was correspondingly humiliating. The Turks made great slaughter, took great quantity of booty, and came close to capturing the Emperor himself who gratefully accepted the sultan's offer of a truce in return of demolishing Dorylaion and Sublaion."
^Bradbury 2004,第176頁 harvnb模板錯誤: 無指向目標: CITEREFBradbury2004 (幫助). "With Manuel were Hungarian allies and his brother-in-law Baldwin of Antioch. Baldwin charged but was killed. The Byzantines suffered heavy losses. Kilij Arslan offered terms and the Byzantines were allowed to withdraw."