《馬里布旋律》(英語:Malibu Country),是一部由著名鄉村女歌手瑞芭·麥肯泰爾主演的美国家庭溫馨情景喜剧,本片于2012年11月2日起在美国广播公司播出。本劇開播收視創下ABC近五年來於周五檔期中,收視最佳的一次。
- 離婚前叫:瑞芭·嘉樂格爾(Reba Gallagher),鄉村女歌手,凱許與瓊恩的母親,莉莉梅的女兒,在離開負心漢丈夫後,舉家搬到馬里布生活,重新開始追逐消逝的夢想。
- 莉莉·湯姆林 飾演 莉莉梅·麥肯齊/Lillie Mae MacKenzie
- 瑞芭的母親,是瑞芭承受龐大壓力時,依靠的對象,有時也是個無厘頭又尖酸苛薄的母親。
- 莎拉·露 飾演 金·賽倫吉/Kim Sallinger
- 瑞芭在馬里布的新鄰居,是個傻貴婦。是個非常自由、八卦、樂觀的女性。
- 賈斯汀·普倫帝斯 飾演 凱許·嘉樂格爾/Cash Gallagher
- 瑞芭的兒子,瓊恩的哥哥,個性敦厚老實,總是傻呼呼的,常被嘲笑是個鄉巴佬。
- 茱麗葉·安傑洛 飾演 瓊恩·嘉樂格爾/June Gallagher
- 瑞芭的女兒,凱許的妹妹,是個模範生。
- 唱片公司的助理,同性戀者,協助瑞芭重回音樂界的幫手。
- 瑞芭的前夫。
- 小金的繼子,欺騙所有人自己是同性戀者,實則為異性戀者。喜歡瓊恩,後成為瓊恩的男友。
- 凱許與瓊恩學校的校長。
- 唱片公司老闆。
- ^ 'Malibu Country' Canceled by ABC After One Season. [2013-07-08]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-08).
- ^ 2.0 2.1 ABC's Malibu Country listings. TheFutonCritic. [2012-09-05].
- ^ ABC Midseason Scheduling Moves Ship ‘Happy Endings’ to Fridays - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers. Tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com. 2013-02-13 [2013-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
- ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Last Man Standing' and 'Malibu Country' Adjusted Up; 'Fringe' and 'Nikita' Adjusted Down. 2012-11-05 [2012-11-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-21).
- ^ Bibel, Sara. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Malibu Country' Adjusted Up; 'Undercover Boss' Adjusted Down. 2012-11-12 [2012-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-10).
- ^ Konodolojy, Amanda. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Undercover Boss' & 'Malibu Country' Adjusted Up; 'America's Next Top Model' Special Adjusted Down. [2012-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-10).
- ^ Bibel, Sara. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Person to Person' Adjusted Down; No Adjustments to 'Last Man Standing' or 'Malibu Country'. [2012-11-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-30).
- ^ Kondolojy. Friday Final TV Ratings: No Adjustments for 'Nikita', 'Undercover Boss', 'Last Man Standing' or 'Malibu Country'. TV by the Numbers. 2012-12-03 [2012-12-03]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-05).
- ^ Bibel, Sara. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Last Man Standing' & 'CSI: NY' Adjusted Up; '20/20' Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. 2012-12-10 [2012-12-11]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-13).
- ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Prancer Returns' Adjusted Down, No Adjustments for 'Last Man Standing', 'Malibu Country' or 'Fringe'. TV by the Numbers. 2012-12-17 [2012-12-18]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-14).
- ^ Bibel, Sara. Friday Final TV Ratings: Final 'Cotton Bowl' Numbers. TV by the Numbers. 2013-01-07 [2013-01-07]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-14).
- ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. Friday Final TV Ratings: No Adjustments for 'Fringe', 'Shark Tank' or 'Last Man Standing'. TV by the Numbers. 2013-01-14 [2013-01-14]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-16).
- ^ Bibel, Sara. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Fringe' Finale and 'Malibu Country' Adjusted Up. TV by the Numbers. 2013-01-22 [2013-01-23]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-25).
- ^ Bibel, Sara. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Last Man Standing' & 'Malibu Country' Adjusted Up. TV by the Numbers. 2013-02-04 [2013-02-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-06).
- ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Last Man Standing', 'Dateline', 'Shark Tank' & 'Rock Center' Adjusted Down + Final 'Touch' Premiere Ratings. 2013-02-11 [2013-02-11]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-13).
- ^ Bibel, Sara. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Malibu Country' Adjusted Up. 2013-02-19 [2013-02-20]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-23).
- ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Shark Tank' Adjusted Up; No Adjustment for 'Nikita', 'Touch' or 'CSI:NY'. TV by the Numbers. 2013-02-25 [2013-02-27]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-27).
- ^ Bibel, Sara. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Dateline' Adjusted Up; 'Last Man Standing' and '20/20 Adjusted Down. TV by the Numbers. 2013-03-05 [2013-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-07).
- ^ Kondolojy, Amanda. Friday Final TV Ratings: 'Kitchen Nightmares' & 'Nikita' Adjusted Down; No Adjustment for 'Grimm'. TV by the Numbers. 2013-03-11 [2013-03-11]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-06).
- ^ Friday Final TV Ratings: ‘Last Man Standing’ & ‘Malibu Country’ Adjusted Up; ‘Nikita’, ‘Cult’, ‘Fashion Star’, ‘Blue Bloods’ & ‘Rock Center’ Adjusted Down - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers. Tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com. [2013-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-06).
- ^ Friday Final TV Ratings: ‘Rock Center’ Adjusted Down, No Adjustment for ‘Grimm’ or ‘Last Man Standing’ (Updated) - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers. Tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com. 2013-03-25 [2013-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-06).