美國男性研究協會(American Men's Studies Association ,AMSA)追踪有組織的男性研究領域至20世紀80年代初,以及學者的工作在參與反性別歧視的改變男性國家組織(National Organization for Changing Men,NOCM)下的被稱為男子的研究工作組(Men's Studies Task Group ,MSTG),其中包括馬丁·阿克爾(Mairtin Mac an Ghaill)、雪費布里斯、哈里·布羅德(Harry Brod)、山姆凡姆奧、馬丁費伯特和邁克爾·梅斯納(Michael Messner)。然而,男性研究的類別於也早於NOCM,以及少數遍布了整個20世紀70年代在美國各地各高校任教的學者。
Carver, Terrell (2004) Men in Political Theory. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Clatterbaugh, Kenneth. (1997). Contemporary Perspectives on Masculinity: Men, Women, and Politics in Modern Society. 2nd edition, Colorado & Oxford: Westview Press.
Connell, R.W. (1987). Gender and Power: Society, the Person and Sexual Politics. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Connell, R.W. (1995). Masculinities. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Connell, R.W. (2000). The Men and the Boys. Sydney: Allen & Unwin.
Digby, Tom. (ed.). (1998). Men Doing Feminism. New York & London: Routledge.
Edley, Nigel, and Margaret Wetherell. (1995). Men in Perspective: Practice, Power and Identity. London: Prentice-Hall.
Edwards, Tim. (1993). Erotics and Politics: Gay Male Sexuality, Masculinity, and Feminism. New York: Routledge.
Gardiner, Judith Kegan. (ed.). (2002). Masculinity Studies and Feminist Theory: New Directions. Columbia University Press.
Haddad, Tony. (ed.). (1993). Men and Masculinities: A Critical Anthology. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Hearn, Jeff, and David H.J. Morgan (eds). (1990). Men, Masculinities and Social Theory. London: Unwin Hyman.
Haywood, Chris, and Mairtin Mac an Ghaill (2003) Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research and Social Practice. Open University Press.
Katz, Jackson (2006) The Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt women and how all men can help. Sourcebooks.
Kimmel, Michael S., Jeff Hearn and R. W. Connell (eds.) (2005) Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Kimmel, Michael S. (ed.). (1995). The Politics of Manhood: Profeminist Men Respond to the Mythopoetic Men’s Movement (and the Mythopoetic Leaders Answer). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Kimmel, Michael S. (2000). The Gendered Society. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kimmel, Michael, and Amy Aronson (eds) (2003) Men and Masculinities: A social, cultural, and historical encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio Press.
Kimmel, Michael S., and Michael Messner. (eds). (1998). Men’s Lives. New York/Toronto: Macmillan/Maxwell (4th edition).
Kupers, Terry A. (1993). Revisioning Men’s Lives: Gender, Intimacy, and Power. New York & London: Guilford Press.
Mac an Ghaill, Mairtin (ed.). (1996). Understanding Masculinities: Social Relations and Cultural Arenas. Buckingham & Philadelphia: Open University Press.
May, Larry. (1998). Masculinity and Morality. Ithaca & London: Cornell University Press.
May, Larry, and Robert Strikwerda. (eds). (1992). Rethinking Masculinity: Philosophical Explorations in Light of Feminism. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Messner, Michael A. (1997). Politics of Masculinities: Men in Movements. University of Southern California: Sage.
Miedzian, Myriam. (1991). Boys Will Be Boys: Breaking the Link Between Masculinity and Violence. New York: Doubleday.
Pease, Bob. (1997). Men and Sexual Politics: Towards a Profeminist Practice. Adelaide: Dulwich Centre Publications.
Pease, Bob. (2000). Recreating Men: Postmodern Masculinity Politics. London: Sage.
Pease, Bob. (2002). Men and Gender Relations. Melbourne: Tertiary Press.
Petersen, Alan. (1998). Unmasking the Masculine: ‘Men’ and ‘Identity’ in a Sceptical Age. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Pfeil, Fred. (1995). White Guys: Studies in Postmodern Domination and Difference. London & New York: Verso.
Pringle, Keith. (1995). Men, Masculinities and Social Welfare. London: UCL Press.
Reeser, Todd (2010). Masculinities in Theory. Malden, MA: Wylie-Blackwell.
Schacht, Steven P., and Doris W. Ewing (2004) Feminism With Men: Bridging the gender gap. Roman and Littlefield.
Seidler, Victor J. (2005) Transforming Masculinities : Men, Cultures, Bodies, Power, Sex and Love. Routledge.
Simpson, Mark. (1994). Male Impersonators: Men Performing Masculinity. New York: Routledge.
Snodgrass, Jon. (ed.). (1977). A Book of Readings: For Men Against Sexism. Albion CA: Times Change Press.
Stoltenberg, John. (1990). Refusing To Be a Man: Essays on Sex and Justice. CA & Suffolk: Fontana/Collins.
Stoltenberg, John. (1993). The End of Manhood: A Book for Men of Conscience. New York: Dutton. (Also available from Baker & Taylor Replica Books, 1998)
The Men's Bibliography (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), a comprehensive bibliography of writing on men, masculinities, gender, and sexualities, listing over 16,700 works.